Sunday, October 24, 2010

Video Thoughts?

Did anyone have any thoughts about Friday's film?  I have seen that film many times now, and everytime I watch it I always really admire those 'disease warriors' who worked so tirelessly to bring vaccines to remote parts of the world.  I feel that so many people are only concerned with themselves... to travel to places like India and Africa to try and rid the world of such horrible diseases really says something about those volunteers..  They really made a difference in the world... not everyone can say they have done so.  How amazing would it be to be able to rid the world of HIV like they did with smallpox? What were your thoughts?  Reply to my post with a comment as to what your thoughts or reflections were on the movie.

A World Health Publication from 1980


  1. I was very impressed by the disease warriors. Im happy the goverment put together people to fight back and end small pox by vacinating everyone near an effected individual. I would definetly consider joining them and going to India and Africa to black out a disease like this. It's a great feeling inside when you know that you have helped so many people. I was also suprised that there was a vacine to smallpox so long ago yet the didease has been spreding around and has been living on. I think it would be amazing if we could get rid of diseases such as HIV or AIDS. This would save so many lives and save the lives of many suffering people. Over all it was a very touching video and i really liked it.

  2. THe diseas warriors used their life for something good and people will always have a great respect for what they did. There are many people that would never be able to go and do that. They had great courage to do what they did. They must have felt really bad when they didnt have ebough vaccine but they made it up by having a strategy to make of what they had. If people now would group together and truly find a way to get rid of HIV peopel would have even more respect for them. It was a very interesting movie and i learned a lot.
