Thursday, October 14, 2010

It's Thursday????

Hey hey hey it's Thursday :)
So today in class we talked a little more about mitosis and we learned this cool way of remembering all the phases ask about it in class if you missed it

Then we took a couple of notes on Prophase,Metaphase, Telophase and Anaphase
since I can't find them on moodle I'm putting the video that Mrs.S showed us:

a couple questions that came up in class were:
Q:Are the proteing used in cells the same type of protiens that we eat?
A: Yes and No. The proteins we eat get broken down and are then used by the cells. Think of them as legos. You have a cool lego piece and the little blocks are the protiens used by cells
Q: Telophase in Animal cells vs. Plant cells (not really a question but you catch my drift)
A: In Animal cells they pinch apart and with Plant cells they form a Cell plate in between the two cells, it's baiscially an add-on to the cell wall.

In class we also did a Mitosis lab it started on page 44 in the unit packet and this first lab was baisically understanding mitosis. You can do this at home easily. This first lab was mainly to get us ready for the second one we will be doing tomorrow. It has to do with identifying the stages in Mitosis. The second lab we will be doing in class it starts on page 48 in the unit packet and goes to page 51.

Also, don't forget about your Cancer research paper! don't procrastinate about this! The 25th is a lot sooner than you think! Today we talked about citations within text and that is for example:
tra la la la la (someone's last name and a page number if it's a primary source).
the period always goes after the parentheses and other things that could go in the parentheses if the author is missing:
-A company say you got it from the American Cancer Society
-an abreiviated version of the title
1. UP pages 44-51 due at the end of class tomorrow
2. Cancer paper due 10/25/10

in other news: Max turns 4 months today! woooohooo!! <3
and the scribe is.....Angela!!!!

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