Monday, October 18, 2010

DeFiNeTlY tHe BeSt ScRiBe PoSt EvArRrRrRrR!!!!!!!!

Monday the 18th: first we got our multi-flow maps stamped for and we turned in our stamp sheets. Than we took answered a few questions about pH levels like, what are examples of acids bases and nutruels and do which has a high (8-14) pH level, which is base, low (0 or 1 to 6), which is acids. or even(7), which is nuetral. Than we took notes and talked about the homework. Our notes talked about the difference of mitosis in animals and plants, like how animal cells have a cleavage furrow (teehee) and plants cells have a cell plate. Next in the notes we talked about what regulates the cell cycle. Cyclins, are proteins that do this. Also, internal regulators, which check that the cell is ready for mitosis, and external regulators, which send signals to the cell to divide, or to divide faster or slower (an example is contact inhibition). Last, we talked about what causes an unregular cell cycle, radiation, Cyclins are messed up, smoking, and other stuff, and the effects of it, tumors, diseases (cancer), or nutrients are removed from other cells. At the end of class we got a few minutes to finish the mitosis lab for the people that are really slow...

Homework: sign up for, and work on your cancer project thing, its due next monday the 25th. Idk if thats everthing i didnt write my homework down........

The Next Scribe is Zach
just kidding, Its Michelle

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