Sunday, October 17, 2010

Highlights of Friday

Mitosis is the division of the cell nucleus.

Prophase is the first phase of mitosis. During this phase genetic material inside the nucleus condenses and the chromosomes become visible, and outside the nucleus a spindle starts to form. The nucleolus disappears,and the nuclear membrane starts to disappear.

Metaphase is the second phase of mitosis. The nuclear membrane completely disappears and the chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell.
Anaphase is the third phase of mitosis. The chromosomes seperate and move along the spindle fibers to the opposite ends of the cell.

Telophase is the final phase of mitosis. The nuclear membrane and the nucleus reform during this stage. Cytokinesis is almost done and the chromosomes uncoil to chromatin.

On Friday we did a mitosis lab where we looked at interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. We counted how many of each were in each section of a cell and then calculated the time of them.

These are pictures of interphase and late and early prophase in the tip of an onion

The pictures show you metaphase and the spindle apparatus that forms during this

phase, and early anaphase. They are also from the tip of an onion cell.

This picture is showing you early telophase and the

cell plate from the tip of an onion plant.

Below is the link of the video that Mrs. Stein showed us of mitosis.

Homework for Monday:

Read 43-44
Read section 10.3 and UP 52B- 52D with Multi- Flow Map "Causes and Effects of Unregulated Cell Cycle"


There is a test on Wednesday.
Cancer paper is due 10/25
Set up account for by tuesday.

The next scribe will be:

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