Thursday, October 21, 2010


In Class:
We have begun class by receiving a new Unit Packet, a new class Syllabus,a diagram for our notes, and a Student Summary Detail Report. There was also a group of papers that have yet not been picked up from yesterday.
If you had any questions regarding about your Cell Test or anything else with your Detail Report, you should talk with Mrs. Stein after class.

We have been given notes from slides about our new unit DISEASE AND IMMUNITY! :D yay :

1) Infectious Disease:
  • Disease - Any change that disrupts the body's functions
  • Pathogens - Agents which cause infectious disease
  • Germ Theory of Disease
  • Infectious disease are caused by microorganisms.
2) Pathogens - Agents of Disease
  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Protists
  • Worms
  • Fungi

3) Spread of Disease
  • Physical contact - direct and indirect
  • Sexual Contact and airborne
  • Contaminated water or food
  • Poor sanitation, raw meat
  • Animals like insects & rats which carry disease are vectors
  • Rabies, West Nile, Malaria
4) Koch's Postulates (with diagram)
  • Robert Koch - German Scientist (Late 1800s)

After we took these notes we played a game called Zapper. Everyone stands in a circle and everyone received a card with either Zapper (1) and a player (everyone else) for the first game. The zapper (disease) will wink (attack) a player (other cell) and the player will sit down (die). In the second game a vaccination card was thrown in the cards and if the zapper will look at the vaccinated player (vaccinated cell) the cell will not die because they already know how to handle with this disease therefore they live.

  • Do pages 4 and 5 in the Unit Packet but cross off the first four empty boxes under What That Game Element Represents on Page 4. And cross off number 3 on page 5.
  • Remember to do your cancer paper that is due this Monday, October 25. It has to be turned and in a hard copy by that day.
  • Remember to do extra credit! The next upcoming date will be this Saturday from 9 to 12 at the Glen.


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