Sunday, October 31, 2010

Friday Blog post

Today we started class by going over the previous post and talking about influenza. The disease of the day. Influenza is a virus and it can be spread by saliva and mucus. You cannot get rid of influeza it just goes dormant.

Next we started 2 labs. One on page 13 and the other on page 16. We received 2 petri dishes. For the first lab we took the one with the cross shaped divider and labeled the sections on the back 1-4. Then we took samples of 3 different places around the school and put them in sections 1-3. #4 is the control group. Then they were put in an incubator.

For the second lab we took a petri dish that was not divided but on the back we still labled 4 sections. then we took 3 different kinds of antibiotics and one little piece of paper and put them in each section. One antibiotic in each section but 4, which had the paper in it. We put this in the incubator too.

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