Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy Monday!!

When we walked into class, we turned in our cancer papers. then we talke about the small pox video we saw yesterday (see Mrs. Steins blog post).

Then we took notes on viruses...

"What is a virus?"

  • require a host to reproduce-"parasites"
  • don't use energy
  • don't respond to stimuli

*Particle made of protein, nucleic acid

  • protein-capsid
  • nucleic acid- DNA or genetic material

*Invade cells, hijack cells

  • attach to cells and trick membrane for entrance



After the notes, we did a lab on UP pages 6-9. The lab was called, "Who Infected Who?". We had to get into our lab groups and try to figure out who were the carriers of a disease. We got some information of people from a school and had to make a wed of disease transmission. then we got samples of "saliva" from the people that we picked to test for the disease and dropped some disease indicator solution in it. if it turned pink, tha means that they are a carrier of the disease.


  • Finish UP pages 6-9 -due tomorrow
  • Read in text book 20.2 with "In picture and in words" -due wednesday
  • post card -due 11/8 (we got paper for the post card today in class)

Next scribe is Bridget !!

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