Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mitosis is fun

It was a shortened class due to late arrival. But we managed to get in a few things.
 At the beginning we did a star and a wish. Sabina's post was very good and very colorful. After that, we took a lot of notes on the cell cycle. We learned many things, such as the stages of the cell cycle- G1, S phase, G2 and Mitosis. This was interesting. But after all this we got a coloring sheet. This sheet showed the stages of the cell cycle. and we have to color the different parts of the cells, and don't forget to annotate the front side. This sheet was homework but we got class time for it. While doing it we jammed out to Kanye West on the xylophone! What a class! 
The Homework was 
Mitosis color code with annotations
Work on cancer research paper due 10/25

Next scribe has got to be....
Saadia!!! congrats

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