Sunday, October 31, 2010

Friday Blog post

Today we started class by going over the previous post and talking about influenza. The disease of the day. Influenza is a virus and it can be spread by saliva and mucus. You cannot get rid of influeza it just goes dormant.

Next we started 2 labs. One on page 13 and the other on page 16. We received 2 petri dishes. For the first lab we took the one with the cross shaped divider and labeled the sections on the back 1-4. Then we took samples of 3 different places around the school and put them in sections 1-3. #4 is the control group. Then they were put in an incubator.

For the second lab we took a petri dish that was not divided but on the back we still labled 4 sections. then we took 3 different kinds of antibiotics and one little piece of paper and put them in each section. One antibiotic in each section but 4, which had the paper in it. We put this in the incubator too.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Thursday scribe post

Today In Class
We handed In our 20.2 Pictures and words if you didn't yesterday

Went over Disease of the Day #3 Schitstosomiasis
it is transmitted by snails and is a parasitic worm.

We asked a few questions and took the quiz

Then we Worked on our homework which was:

P12 In Unit Packet
20.3 with double bubble map (due monday)
Postcard (due 11/8)

We then watched a video about malaria in africa showing how it runs rampant in Africa and how it was eliminated in other countrys

and I just missed my bus lol.

Next Scribe is Neal

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Cholera and John Snow

Since I am such a John Snow fan...i found these videos that i thought you might exjoy.  Watch them and email me the answers to the following 2 questions..
1.  Who was often spared from cholera outbreaks and WHY?
2.  What was the name of the other 'protagonist' in Stephen Johnson's book Ghost Map?

Sadly It's Not Friday.....

First up in class today we got our in Pictures and Words notes from 20.2 last night. You could have kept them to study and turned them in tommorow, or just turn them in today.

After Homework we did the disease of the day (pretty depressing name)!!! Today's disease was Cholera (Mrs. Stein's favorite disease!)!! Cholera is a bacteria that causes diariah and can kill if proper attention not given.

Then we took a good amount of notes on bacteria. We talked about Binary Fission (how the cell reproduces), shapes of bacteria (rods, spheres, and corkscrews), and stuff like that.

Afterward we watched a movie on bacteria and antibiotics. The movie explained how antibiotics are just a tiny bit of the bacteria (or a simmaler bacteria) that get your body used to it so your immune system knows ho to get rid of it without totally infecting you with it.


UP 2 due: 11/1



Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Today in class we got our UP pgs. 6-9 stamped and we went over some of the
questions that we had to do for homework. We also picked up four new pictures up
front for notes that we toke later in class. Then we did "Star and a wish" and maddy
was the "Teacher" while Mrs. S finished checking in homework. We toke notes from
a power point about viruses (Lytic cycle and Lysogenic Cycle). When we finished
taking notes we watched 15 minutes of a video about viruses. It was very interesting!

The Homework for tonight is....
1. read section 20.2 in the text book and domkplete "In pictures and words" from our reading packet
2. Postcard (due: 11/8)
20.1, and 20.2!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy Monday!!

When we walked into class, we turned in our cancer papers. then we talke about the small pox video we saw yesterday (see Mrs. Steins blog post).

Then we took notes on viruses...

"What is a virus?"

  • require a host to reproduce-"parasites"
  • don't use energy
  • don't respond to stimuli

*Particle made of protein, nucleic acid

  • protein-capsid
  • nucleic acid- DNA or genetic material

*Invade cells, hijack cells

  • attach to cells and trick membrane for entrance



After the notes, we did a lab on UP pages 6-9. The lab was called, "Who Infected Who?". We had to get into our lab groups and try to figure out who were the carriers of a disease. We got some information of people from a school and had to make a wed of disease transmission. then we got samples of "saliva" from the people that we picked to test for the disease and dropped some disease indicator solution in it. if it turned pink, tha means that they are a carrier of the disease.


  • Finish UP pages 6-9 -due tomorrow
  • Read in text book 20.2 with "In picture and in words" -due wednesday
  • post card -due 11/8 (we got paper for the post card today in class)

Next scribe is Bridget !!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Video Thoughts?

Did anyone have any thoughts about Friday's film?  I have seen that film many times now, and everytime I watch it I always really admire those 'disease warriors' who worked so tirelessly to bring vaccines to remote parts of the world.  I feel that so many people are only concerned with themselves... to travel to places like India and Africa to try and rid the world of such horrible diseases really says something about those volunteers..  They really made a difference in the world... not everyone can say they have done so.  How amazing would it be to be able to rid the world of HIV like they did with smallpox? What were your thoughts?  Reply to my post with a comment as to what your thoughts or reflections were on the movie.

A World Health Publication from 1980

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Happy Friday:)

In Class:
when you walked in the class you should have picked up a new stamp sheet. if you did the previous homework (UP pages 4/5) you got a bat stamp.

1st we got a little side tracked (big surprise) and watched a youtube video on cooties..

2nd we talked about the "postcard project" due 11/8
3rd we watched a movie called "Disease Warriors" for the rest of the period

The Postcard:
Grandma Gertrude lives in a very remote area where she doest have any contact to the outer world other than receiving mail. you are very worried about you grandma because there is a deadly disease that she could possibly come into contact with so you decide to send her a postcard. you need to chose a current disease, (options on UP 2) design a 5x7 postcard, write a message including..
- biological info about the disease
- a heading and closure
- dates of breakouts
- body of postcard in the form of a letter
- stamp and fictional address
- drawing or photo related to the disease
*note: you can NOT choose AIDs as your disease*
... for more info read page 2 of your UP
Next we asked questions we had about the cancer paper which is due this monday!
... the biggest question we had was about in text citations, if you need help look under Cell Unit Resources. the link is called MLA Citations

The Cancer Paper: DUE THIS MONDAY
it needs to be turned into by monday morning and you need to bring in a hard copy to class. if you are having trouble uploading it to you have a few options...
- go to the TLC for help
- find her Mon. morning in her office, (not our science room) with your paper on a flash drive

The Homework: - postcard due 11/8
- read section 20.1 and write "6 types of questions" and answer them. be sure to label which type of question you are trying to write so it is clear to Mrs. Stein.
- cancer paper due monday
the next scribe is Melissa

Thursday, October 21, 2010


In Class:
We have begun class by receiving a new Unit Packet, a new class Syllabus,a diagram for our notes, and a Student Summary Detail Report. There was also a group of papers that have yet not been picked up from yesterday.
If you had any questions regarding about your Cell Test or anything else with your Detail Report, you should talk with Mrs. Stein after class.

We have been given notes from slides about our new unit DISEASE AND IMMUNITY! :D yay :

1) Infectious Disease:
  • Disease - Any change that disrupts the body's functions
  • Pathogens - Agents which cause infectious disease
  • Germ Theory of Disease
  • Infectious disease are caused by microorganisms.
2) Pathogens - Agents of Disease
  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Protists
  • Worms
  • Fungi

3) Spread of Disease
  • Physical contact - direct and indirect
  • Sexual Contact and airborne
  • Contaminated water or food
  • Poor sanitation, raw meat
  • Animals like insects & rats which carry disease are vectors
  • Rabies, West Nile, Malaria
4) Koch's Postulates (with diagram)
  • Robert Koch - German Scientist (Late 1800s)

After we took these notes we played a game called Zapper. Everyone stands in a circle and everyone received a card with either Zapper (1) and a player (everyone else) for the first game. The zapper (disease) will wink (attack) a player (other cell) and the player will sit down (die). In the second game a vaccination card was thrown in the cards and if the zapper will look at the vaccinated player (vaccinated cell) the cell will not die because they already know how to handle with this disease therefore they live.

  • Do pages 4 and 5 in the Unit Packet but cross off the first four empty boxes under What That Game Element Represents on Page 4. And cross off number 3 on page 5.
  • Remember to do your cancer paper that is due this Monday, October 25. It has to be turned and in a hard copy by that day.
  • Remember to do extra credit! The next upcoming date will be this Saturday from 9 to 12 at the Glen.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I was just informed by the substitutes that 7th period was the worst period all day.  I understand that 3 of the 4 classes were very talkative and disruptive.  I am shocked to find out that this class was one of those 3.  I have MUCH higher expectations... especially of this class.  The idea that "everyone else was talking too" does not excuse it.  I do not think it is too much to ask you to sit and watch a movie for the class period... especially and interesting movie like Influenza of 1918.  Do you disagree? Attending a Bio Day is a privledge, not a right.  Other arrangments can certainly be made if you are not able to conduct yourself as polite, well mannered young adults as I know you all to be.  Please give some thought to this.  If you read this, spread the word to your friends that I am not happy.

Monday, October 18, 2010

DeFiNeTlY tHe BeSt ScRiBe PoSt EvArRrRrRrR!!!!!!!!

Monday the 18th: first we got our multi-flow maps stamped for and we turned in our stamp sheets. Than we took answered a few questions about pH levels like, what are examples of acids bases and nutruels and do which has a high (8-14) pH level, which is base, low (0 or 1 to 6), which is acids. or even(7), which is nuetral. Than we took notes and talked about the homework. Our notes talked about the difference of mitosis in animals and plants, like how animal cells have a cleavage furrow (teehee) and plants cells have a cell plate. Next in the notes we talked about what regulates the cell cycle. Cyclins, are proteins that do this. Also, internal regulators, which check that the cell is ready for mitosis, and external regulators, which send signals to the cell to divide, or to divide faster or slower (an example is contact inhibition). Last, we talked about what causes an unregular cell cycle, radiation, Cyclins are messed up, smoking, and other stuff, and the effects of it, tumors, diseases (cancer), or nutrients are removed from other cells. At the end of class we got a few minutes to finish the mitosis lab for the people that are really slow...

Homework: sign up for, and work on your cancer project thing, its due next monday the 25th. Idk if thats everthing i didnt write my homework down........

The Next Scribe is Zach
just kidding, Its Michelle

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Highlights of Friday

Mitosis is the division of the cell nucleus.

Prophase is the first phase of mitosis. During this phase genetic material inside the nucleus condenses and the chromosomes become visible, and outside the nucleus a spindle starts to form. The nucleolus disappears,and the nuclear membrane starts to disappear.

Metaphase is the second phase of mitosis. The nuclear membrane completely disappears and the chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell.
Anaphase is the third phase of mitosis. The chromosomes seperate and move along the spindle fibers to the opposite ends of the cell.

Telophase is the final phase of mitosis. The nuclear membrane and the nucleus reform during this stage. Cytokinesis is almost done and the chromosomes uncoil to chromatin.

On Friday we did a mitosis lab where we looked at interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. We counted how many of each were in each section of a cell and then calculated the time of them.

These are pictures of interphase and late and early prophase in the tip of an onion

The pictures show you metaphase and the spindle apparatus that forms during this

phase, and early anaphase. They are also from the tip of an onion cell.

This picture is showing you early telophase and the

cell plate from the tip of an onion plant.

Below is the link of the video that Mrs. Stein showed us of mitosis.

Homework for Monday:

Read 43-44
Read section 10.3 and UP 52B- 52D with Multi- Flow Map "Causes and Effects of Unregulated Cell Cycle"


There is a test on Wednesday.
Cancer paper is due 10/25
Set up account for by tuesday.

The next scribe will be:

Thursday, October 14, 2010

It's Thursday????

Hey hey hey it's Thursday :)
So today in class we talked a little more about mitosis and we learned this cool way of remembering all the phases ask about it in class if you missed it

Then we took a couple of notes on Prophase,Metaphase, Telophase and Anaphase
since I can't find them on moodle I'm putting the video that Mrs.S showed us:

a couple questions that came up in class were:
Q:Are the proteing used in cells the same type of protiens that we eat?
A: Yes and No. The proteins we eat get broken down and are then used by the cells. Think of them as legos. You have a cool lego piece and the little blocks are the protiens used by cells
Q: Telophase in Animal cells vs. Plant cells (not really a question but you catch my drift)
A: In Animal cells they pinch apart and with Plant cells they form a Cell plate in between the two cells, it's baiscially an add-on to the cell wall.

In class we also did a Mitosis lab it started on page 44 in the unit packet and this first lab was baisically understanding mitosis. You can do this at home easily. This first lab was mainly to get us ready for the second one we will be doing tomorrow. It has to do with identifying the stages in Mitosis. The second lab we will be doing in class it starts on page 48 in the unit packet and goes to page 51.

Also, don't forget about your Cancer research paper! don't procrastinate about this! The 25th is a lot sooner than you think! Today we talked about citations within text and that is for example:
tra la la la la (someone's last name and a page number if it's a primary source).
the period always goes after the parentheses and other things that could go in the parentheses if the author is missing:
-A company say you got it from the American Cancer Society
-an abreiviated version of the title
1. UP pages 44-51 due at the end of class tomorrow
2. Cancer paper due 10/25/10

in other news: Max turns 4 months today! woooohooo!! <3
and the scribe is.....Angela!!!!

Mitosis is fun

It was a shortened class due to late arrival. But we managed to get in a few things.
 At the beginning we did a star and a wish. Sabina's post was very good and very colorful. After that, we took a lot of notes on the cell cycle. We learned many things, such as the stages of the cell cycle- G1, S phase, G2 and Mitosis. This was interesting. But after all this we got a coloring sheet. This sheet showed the stages of the cell cycle. and we have to color the different parts of the cells, and don't forget to annotate the front side. This sheet was homework but we got class time for it. While doing it we jammed out to Kanye West on the xylophone! What a class! 
The Homework was 
Mitosis color code with annotations
Work on cancer research paper due 10/25

Next scribe has got to be....
Saadia!!! congrats

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Extra Credit!!! Shhhh!!!! It's a secret!

Click on this picture and play the Cell Cycle game!  Who is the "supervisor" in the game?  Email me the answer!  Extra credit will be awarded to the first 5 people from each section who email me the correct answer PRIOR to the start of class.  Don't tell anyone. Shhhhh!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Here is the enzyme picture i showed in class. Be sure it makes sense to you!

Monday, October 11, 2010

(: Happy Monday :)

Today, bio passed by very quickly! When you came into the classroom, we picked up some papers that Mrs. Stein graded for us. We went over everything that we received back:
-The Normal and Plasmolyzed Cells Lab
-Animal and Plant Cell coloring Assignment
-the Cell Structure and Function lab
-the cell qu
iz that we took on Thursday

Mrs. Stein also went over one of our homework assignments: we must complete a survey about our risks of cancer. The link to the survey is on Moodle. The survey is about how mush we are at risk from different types of cancer, but don't do all of the tests (check which ones girls have and which ones boys have). In total, all of the surveys should take 40-45 minutes, so each survey should take 3-5 minutes to complete.

After we finished going everything over, we quickly added to our notes:

-a substance that speeds up a chem. reaction
-decreases that amount of energy needed to start the chem. reaction
-doesn't get used during the reaction

-proteins that act as biological catalysts
-enzymes are very specific
-subtrates fit like a "lock and key"
-affected by chanes in pH, temperature, subtrate concentration

Then, we took the class's data from the enzyme lab we worked on last week.

group 1: 0.5Degree symbol C 70 mm
group 2: 18Degree symbol C 105 mm
group 3: 22
Degree symbol C 10 mm
group 4: 37Degree symbol C 103.333 mm
group 5: 53Degree symbol C 102.5 mm
group 6: 98.3
Degree symbol C 7 mm

(Mrs. Stein said that some groups probably made human errors, because the numbers didn't exactly turn out the way they were supposed to. The height of bubbles should be highest at 37 degrees, because that is the temp. that we are mostly at within our bodies (98.6Degree symbolF), and the bubble height should have been shortest at the lowest temp.)

After we collected all of our data, we went over how to make the graphs. The first graph should be the graph of your own group's data. This should be a bar graph.

The second graph should be of the classes data. This is going to be a line graph. Make sure that you write your number correctly on the graph; they must have order, they can't just be written in random places.

At the very end of class (the last five minutes), we got a chance to get started on our homework!

The homework for tonight is:
-Finish the enzyme lab (graphs and analysis questions)
-Begin Cancer Survey (Complete Graph on pg. 55 in unit packet by Wednesday)
- Ch. 10.1 and 10.2 flow map "cell cycle" - g1 to cytokinesis

Have a wonderful day!

P.S. The next blogger is...


Saturday, October 9, 2010


In class- In class on October 8th we did the enzyme lab! First off enzymes are proteins that speed up chemical reactions in cells. The enzyme we used in this lab was catalase, which is found in blood cells and also some other cells. Catalase speeds up the break down of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen.

Enzyme Lab! (pages 24-32 in UP)- In this lab we tested the amount of enzyme activity in different temperatures. You measure the amount of enzyme activity by how high the bubble column is in the test tube. For part A we had to test how the catalase works. You had to set up 3 test tubes with two marks on them. One mark 1 cm from the bottom of the test tube, and one mark 5 cm from the bottom of the test tube. In test tube #1 we put catalase in up to the first mark and hydrogen peroxide up to the second mark. Then you had to measure how high the bubbles rose from the second mark in millimeters. Then we did the same thing with test tubes 2 and 3 but with different contents. Test tube 2 had water to the first mark and hydrogen peroxide to the second, and test tube 3 had catalase to the first mark and sucrose solution to the second, and recorded the height of the bubbles for all of them. Once we knew how the catalase worked we went on to part B. In part B we tested how the catalase worked in different temperatures. Each group was assigned a different temperature and you had to get your water bath to the correct temperature. If you had a hot temperature you heated it up, and if you had a cold temperature you had to put ice cubes in it to cool it down. Then you had to fill the test tube to the first line with catalase and set it in your water bath so the catalase got to the correct temperature. We had to monitor the temperature of the catalase with a thermometer until it was at the given temperature. When it was at the right temperature we put hydrogen peroxide in the test tube up to the second mark and measured how high the bubbles rose. If you had enough time you were supposed to do another trial for more accurate data. Here are some pictures from our lab:

Our test tubes...
Catalase reaction to hydrogen peroxide...
Cooling down our catalase to 15 degrees Celsius...
Our catalase reaction at 15 degrees Celsius...

Homework for the weekend-
Enzyme lab pages 26-32 in UP-due tuesday- Finish all of the analysis questions on UP pages 27 and 28 about the enzyme lab we did in class. Some questions and the graph you will not be able to do until Monday because we are collecting class data in class on Monday.

Read 10.1 and 10.2-due tuesday-Read 10.1 and 10.2 in your science textbook and make a flow chart for "The cell cycle." Help on how to do it can be found on moodle on Mrs. Steins' page. Click on October 12th on the little calendar on the right side of the page for information on how to do it. You can also find information on the format of the flow chart on moodle or in your blue reading strategies packet.

Extra credit! There are still some more days to get extra credit at many places:)

The next scribe is Sabina!

Fun Sunday Adventure!

Turkey's Feet or Big Blues Stem

Yellow Indian Grass

October 9th Restoration Day at the Grove: I found out that in order to cut down buckthorn it had to have rained the prior day. Since today was such a beautiful day, the Grove had a day for people to help out in other ways. Today I went and helped pick seeds at the Grove to help restore their prairies and grasslands. We picked the seeds from each of the plants and put them in brown paper bags. Above i attached pictures of two different plants that we picked to get seeds from, which were the Yellow Indian Grass and the Turkey's Feet. These two plants are native plants to the Grove and many of the invasive species are taking over their land. These plants will die before the winter and then the Grove will replant the seeds and the snow will push them down into the soil. While picking the seeds, the leader told us a lot about the Grove's land and how much they appreciate our hard work.
In 1836, the Kennicotts came to the land and Mr.Kennicott was the first doctor and mail man in the area. He became a famous scientist and that's why they ended up keeping the land and naming it the Grove. Mr.Kennicott started the seed business and started planting all different plants to sell throughout the area. When they got to the area known as the Grove now, they had 800 ares but they now only have 123 ares. This is because we have built buildings, roads, houses, banks, and much more on the land that once belonged to them. The leader told me that not only are the invasive species taking over the land of these plants but so are we. Helping them by picking the seeds is a great way to keep these plants in the Grove. I learned today that a pound of the Yellow Indian Grass could be sold for about $100! Wow that's a lot!

I had a ton of fun helping out at the Grove and they want me to tell u guys that they need more helpers!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Jacob is SO sorry

So today in class we got a stamp for the diffusion lab and went over it. We went over what Osmosis is. Osmosis is when the water in a cell moves from higher concentration to lower concentration out of the cell. Then we went on to our normal and plasmolyzed cells lab. In the lab we put 2 to 3 drops of regular water on an Elodea leaf and on a seperate slide we put 2 to 3 drops of salt water on the Elodea leaf. What happened to the salt water leaf was that the water in it diffused out of the cell to get to the lower concentration of water on the outside. When this happened the chloroplasts collapsed in on each other to form a big blob of them. The structure of the cell didn't chang because plants have a strong cell wall that nothing could change its shape. Look at page 211 in your biology book.

The homework is to finish the lab on UP pages 36-39
Also begin the pre-lab 

The next Scribe is Madison

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

That Totally Awsome Lab Experiment

Today in class: Mrs. Stein collect our Coloring Cells packets and she gave us stamps for the Diffusion Pre Lab and the 7.3 notes on Deffinision maps. During class time we Set up our Diffusion Labs located on Up34-35. We discussed this lab and finishednnot on cell functions with the Cell membrane and then continued our notes with what we read in 7.3. Diffusion, Osmosis, facilitated diffusion and active transport were all discussed and notes were taken down on these words. Then we answered questions on our lab experiment and the questions we didnt finish were for homework. Class time was used well!

1. Diffusion Lab Up34-35 due tomorrow
2.Extra credit on line
3. Quizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Tomorrowwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next scribe is Jacob R.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cells ppt (ch 7) for moodle

What we did in class today...
We finnished the powerpoint notes (Win i got it on... just win)
We turned in our 8.1-9.1 "check my understanding" notes
and lastly we did our prelab and worked on new HW


Further explore @ vocab word using a "definition map"... possible words are either... Entocytosis and Facilitated or... Molecular Transport and Osmosis depending on what row you are in... i believe it is row 1, 3, 5, 7 for the 1st two words and 2, 4, 6 for the last 2 words

Color Codes and annotations

read 7.3 with definition map questions

diffusion prelab


EDIT: Next scribe is Krystian

Monday, October 4, 2010

Something about cells

TODAY IN CLASS: Today we went over the functions of some organelles and what they looked like. We also got homework that I will list at the bottom of this post. We began to work on a color coding packet which is homework. We shortly talked about the similarities and differences between plant and animal cells.

Other things like HW: -Do color coding with annotations in the color coding packet.
-Read Pg.226-228 and Pg.250-251 and do check my understanding,make one row for things you knew, one for things learned, and one with a minimum of 3 questions.

the next scribe is Daniel (did I spell that right?)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

onion cell:
cheek cell: in class:
we went over Ariana's post! then mrs. Stein checked my late hw. Next we worked on our cell lab with our lab partners from the rip-o-meter lab. some kifs took the microscope lab.
Cell lab:
me and my partner had to add a drop of Lugol's Iodine to the elodea leaf and we had to find and draw a sketch of the leaf under high power in our microscope. Next we had prepare a wet mountof a human cheek cell. rubbing the inside of ur cheek with a toothpick hurts! then we added a drop of methylene blue. we examined the slide unde low and high power. finally we prepared a wet mount for an onion cell. Mrs. Stein showed us a good method of obtaining the onion.
  • blue organelle chart-monday
  • up 9-14- monday

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Scribe List - Cycle 2

This is The Scribe List. Every possible scribe in our class is listed here. This list will be updated every day. If you see someone's name crossed off on this list then you CANNOT choose them as the scribe for the next class.

This post can be quickly accessed from the [Links] list over there on the right hand sidebar. Check here before you choose a scribe for tomorrow's class when it is your turn to do so.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you label all your Scribe Posts properly (Your Name, Unit Title, Scribe) or they will not be counted.

JR                         Zachary                    Jose                    Krystian  
Angela                   Jacob                       Yvette                      
Bridget                  Taylor                       Tara                    Ariana
Serena                   Neal                         Michelle              Saadia 
Daniel                    Olivia                       Michael               David
Melissa                  Sabina                     Madison