Friday, April 22, 2011


Today in class we...DISSECTED A SHEEP HEART!!

Before we dissected the heart we had to take a quiz :( Luckily I didn't have to take it because I wasn't in class on Wednesday, so I don't really have much to say about it. Sorry

In the dissection we had to locate the pulmonary artery, which happened to be on top of the heart, and the coromary arteries, which were located in the fat on the heart. Before we could slice and dice the heart we had to show Ms.Stein that we knew the right side of the heart from the left side and locate the right and left ventricles and the right and left atriums.

We found out that if you stick one finger in the pulmonary artery and another finger in anotehr hole in the heart far enough then your finegrs will touch!!!


1) Read 33.2

2) Four Corners Sheet

3) Finish the Heart Lab if you didn't finish it in class



Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Happy Passover!

Today in Bio we started off by getting our UP (11-17) pages that we annotated and then filled out the questions for stamped. After getting our homework stamped we took a bunch of notes on the heart, circulation and Blood vessels. When we talked about the circulation in humans we figured out that humans have a four chambered heart (2 ventricles on bottom and 2 atriums on top), we also have double loop circulation which means the blood not only circulates through our body it, also circulates through your lungs as well. We then reviewed the heart diagram we were given and named all the parts to review for our quiz tommorow (no word bank). Then we started our coloring homework at the end of class (not all diagrams need to be labled!).

Parts on Diagram:
Supirior Vena Cava
Infirior Vena Cava
Pulmonary Vein
Pulmonary Valve
Pulmonary Artery
R/L Atrium
R/L Ventricle
Tricupsid Valve
Bicupsil Valve
Aortic Valve
Desending Aorta
Where you would find Oxygenated blood and Deoxygenated blood

UP 21-23--- Color and Label specified diagrams
QUIZ----- ON Heart

Next Scribe: Olivia

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Flyer Than Aladdin :)

hey hey hey it's tuesday :)

today in class we started off by getting a new unit packet, a new calendar , and we turned in our cornell notes from 33.1. we got grade reports and we got back a flow map! then we did up page nine and ten in groups and when we were going over the answers Olivia had this bizarre question..I believe it went as follows (correct me if i'm wrong): "Mrs. Stein, scientifically, which is more likely to be real a werewolf or a vampire?" and mrs. stein gave a one word answer : Vampires. And I think I know why. Some people become so obssesed with them that they start drinking blood which turns their obssession into a mental illness, so they truely believe that they are vampires which I guess makes it more probable that they exist. I mean i guess it's what you define vampire as because some believe they never sleep and others say they sleep upside down. yay or nay?
Moving on, we watched a video as we walked in and at the end of class and both were on the circulatory system :)

i'm sorry that this was mostly about olivia's question but to be honest we didnt do a whole lot in class
up pages 11-17 read +annotate (underline and write in the margins)+ answer ?s on page 17

the next scribe is Olivia :)

kaycoolbai :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Halfway through the Week

Today, we started off class by turning in our kidney dissection worksheets and with Mrs. Stein selling some hope bands. (Which people should wear on Friday!) Then we continued by taking some notes, about the kidney and the nephron. This is the nephron picture that Mrs. Stein on the powerpoint:

The Nephron is the basic unit of the kidney. In it filtration and reabsorption happen. Filtration- water, urea, glucose, salts, amino acids, and vitamins filter into the nephron.Most proteins and blood cells remain in the capillary. Reabsorption- needed materials re-enter the bloodstream Collection- concentrated urine is collected and leaves kidneys via ureters.


  • The kidney removes metabolic wastes

  • Maintains homeostasis: - it keeps salt and water balance

3 steps: 1.) Filtering blood 2.) Reabsorbing nutrients 3.) Collection and excretion of urine

And then at the end of class we did pages 17 and 18 in the UP.

After that we did an experiment with urine to check what was in it. Jacob and Sam were the helpers and I also think Jacob ended up tasting one of the urine samples!!

Homework: Test is on FRIDAY!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


-Discussed rules and expectations of the kidney dissection
-Kidney dissection

-Finish kidney dissection lab (UP 23-28)
-Unit test on Friday

The dissection was not bad at all. We had to cut off the fat tissue and then cut the kidney in half and examine and figure out the different parts. Then Mrs. Stein quizzed each lab group by pointing to a part of the kidney and asking each person what she was pointing to. All in all i think it wasn't too bad and everything went pretty well. Most people finished early. Also, if you were not in class today you are still able to complete the questions that go along with the lab.


GREAT STUFF YOU GUYS!! KIDNEYS!! :D Ok... we've started the class by getting two stamps for UP 19-20 and the Lab we did last week. Tomorrow we will be dissecting a sheep KIDNEY!! I can barely hold my excitement :] Next we answered these questions on the board: 1) What organs are the part of the excertory system? 2)How does the excretory system play a role in homeostasis? 3)What does the cartoon below illustrate? What does it do? (I couldn't find the exact picture but this was close enough.) Answers... 1) Liver, skin, kidneys, and lungs. 2) Balances the body to keep metabolic wastes out. 3)A nephron, it is the functional unit of the kidney (it filters the blood) Next we went over our lab and the results of the nutrition test.

Please make sure you get the correct results from a friend....

-For the bread, it should defiently be positive for starch but everything else could be either or... Bread is a fortified food.

-If you tested cheese for starch (which you didn't have to..) it would test positive (which shouldn't) but the powder on the cheese that prevents it from sticking to eat other is the only thing that has a starch compound in it..

-Why is there no fat in potatoe?? Potatoe is full of carbohydrates and if you don't consume the energy you get from it it is store and converted to fat...

We also took some notes.....

Excertion -The removal of metabolic wastes from the body. -CO2, salts, water, nitrogenus waste, uric acid and urea -Excertory organs - lungs remove CO2 - skin removes salt, water, and some urea - kindeys are the main excretory organ Excretory System -Renal arteries carry "dirty" blood from the aorta to the kidneys. (Unfilterd blood) -Renal veins carry "clean" blood from the kidneys to the inferior vena cava -Ureters carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder -Urethra carries urine out of the body. We were suppposed to watch some videos afterwards but youtube wasn't working... OUR HOMEWORK.... -Read over our kidney dissection UP 23-28. -Tomorrow is the last day to visit Mrs. Stein for a homework pass. -Test Friday STUDY!!!! :O Next scribe shall be..... Ariana !! :D

Sunday, April 10, 2011

80 degree weather whatwhattt

JUST SO YOU KNOW its like 80 degrees outside nbd, and the DIARY BAR IS OPEN! but anyway, in class on friday we took a quiz and then we finished our lab!
In the lab we tested various things for certain nutrients, such has simple sugars, carbohydrates, protein and fat. To test for the nutrients we had different ingredients that would show if it had the nutrient or not. Such as the carbohydrates, we put iodine solution and if it turned dark purple then it had starch in it.(which is a complex sugar).
i would have pictures but for some reason my phone won't upload them!! very sorry!

After we saw what the positive results were of each test, we then tested various foods for the different nutrients. we tested Carrots, Bread, Potato, Apple, Onion, Walnuts and Cheese for the nutrients. The results were:
positive for simple sugar and fats
Negative for starch and protein
Positive for Starch, Simple sugar and Fats
negative for protein
Positive for starch and fat
negative for simple sugar and proteins
positive for simple sugar and fats
negative for starch and protein
positive for simple sugar, protein, and fats
negative for starch
positive for fats
negative for starch and proteins
positive for protein
negative for fats

Read 30.4 and do up pages 19-20

sorry this was at the end of the weekend btw


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Yes!!!! it's Thursday! (: 1 more day/ then weekend!!

In Class: So basically, all we did in class today was:
- get our Enzymes and Digestive Fluids Chart stamped
- went over the chart
- talked about different types of digestions and where they occur - also talked about different fluids and their functions
- continued to work on the Nutrient Lab

Check to make sure your answers are correct for the Enzyme Chart!
(answers will be given going from the "enzyme/fluid name" all the way to the "what results from its action" The words/answers are put in order according to the BLANK spots) (horizontally)

1. Salivary Glands. Starch.
2. Pepsin. Polypeptides
3. Liver. Fats. Smaller Lipids.
4. Pancreatic Amylase. Maltose
5. Stomach Protein. Smaller Polypeptides.
6. Lipase. Fatty acids/glycerol.
7. Duodenum. Glucose.
8. Sucrase. Sucrose.
9. Lactose. Glucose/galactose.
10. Peptidase. Protein.

We also did a little review for our quiz tomorrow. As Mrs. Stein said, "everything from this week is fair game." So be sure to look over all the readings that were assigned and your notes! in other words STUDY! Here are a few questions she asked us......

Q- What is the process of carbohydrate digestion? Where does it occur? What enzymes are involved? What do they get broken into?
A- Starches get digested in the mouth. Amylase br
eaks down starch then into maltose which is TWO sugars, and from that it turns into glucose, which is ONE sugar.

Q- What fluids are found in the stomach/their functions?
A- pepsin: breaks down proteins.
hydrochloric acid: kills bacteria/lowers ph so pepsin works.
Rennin: proteins that work on milk.

Q- What is lipid digestion? What do they get broken down into?
A- Break down into fatty acids/glycerol.
(breaking down is known as emulsification)

Look over diagrams!!!! Know parts and their functions.

Lastly, we worked on the nutrient lab.
Used 2 test tubes and mixed water with Bened
ict's solution in them and then put the tubes in boiling water. Both tubes were light blue before we put them into the water. After a few minutes we noticed a color change. One of the tubes went from being light blue to yellow then green then orange and then finally turned brick red!.

-Study for quiz!
- Nutrient lab due tomorrow during class

next scribe is, Serena! (:

The Week is Half Over!

Homework:-Enzyme chart with reading (also use section 33 in textbook)
-visit Mrs. Stein in her office for a homework pass!
-sign up for science contest (for extra credit)
-Nutrient lab due some time in class on Friday

First in class, we discussed nutrients and here's what we discussed...

I -testing for carbs-simple--SMALL, less energy
                          -complex--BIG, more energy (starch)

II -testing for protein---> amino acids

III -testing for fat (lipids)--->glyceol & fatty acids

IV - testing for food <UNKNOWN>

Nutrient Lab

Today, we got our new lab groups and STARTED the nutrient lab. We only did the starch part of the lab.
We had to put starchy water into a beaker and then we added iodine. If the test was positive, then the startchy water would turn blue-ish black...

here's what it looked like when we put the iodine in.. (the iodine started out being orange-ish brown)

When we stirred that up, the whole thing turned darker and black and dark blue.

Next Scribe is.....Yvette

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sphincter Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sup Everybody

In class we took notes here are tha main ideas. The food goes through the one way tube called the ailementary canal. It starts with the mouth where mechanical digestion (teeth) and chemical digestion (Saliva, contains enzyme Salivary Amylase) break food down. It then goes to the esophagus, which connect the pharynx (throat) to the stomach. It enters stomach past a Sphincter, which closes to keep food and stomach acid from going back into esophagus. The stomach is a muscular sace lined with mucus that expands and contracts to perform mechanical digestion. It also uses chemical digestion by activating pepsin that breaks down proteins. Nex is the small intestine beginning with the duodenum, Here carbs, lipids and everything else is digested here and nutrients are absorbed. The SI is lined with Villi which increase surface area. In the large intestine water and indigestible junk is absorbed, bacteria absorbs the vitamin K in the food and you are keft with FECES. The other structures involved that arent places the food travels are the liver which makes bile qhich emulsifies fat, gall bladder which stores bile, and pancreas that makes enzymes.

HOMEWORK: Pre-lab about nutrients and read 30.2.

An Airhead for your troubles

I know you want it

The Next Scribe is Melissa

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Happy Monday

when we got to class we settled after picking up a note card and new unit packet then mrs stein passed back our grade reports. then we talked about the science contest! if you participate you can get extra credit but don't ask how much because mrs. stein hasn't decided. pretty much its a contest on how well you answer a few questions relating to science on april 14th. only one period that you sign up for to go to the advent is when you will be competing. you create a team of four people and freshman are more valuable because we haven't taken as many science classes as upperclassmen (yay us!) if you want more details read the website: after we talked about getting new seats when people return from spring break. also we filled out a post card about how comfortable we felt with dissection and if we wanted to do a lot of dissecting or not and who we worked well with. these will help mrs. stein determine new lab groups. new we talked about what we already know about our new unit! 
- teeth and saliva break down food
- layer of mucus protects stomach from acid which would destroy the stomach
- small intestine is 30ft?
- large intestine is 10ft?
- our bodies take all nutrients from food and give it to the blood then the blood transports the nutrients (this happened in the small intestine)
- waste is released
- nutrients: 
         1. protein   2. fat   3.carbohydrates   4. water   5. vitamin   6. minerals 
goals of digestion:
         breaking stuff down, absorbing nutrients and releasing waste

30.3 with flow map (starting with mouth ending with anus) 
see mrs. stein to talk about the last quarter for a homework pass by tuesday
extra credit if you enter the science contest and if you place top 4 you get even more extra credit!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!

hey hey hey!!
I found dome really cool pictures of plants at my house and one of them is actually a good example of phototropism! ( at first me and my sister thought that my cat broke it but then we were realized that the roots were still deep in the soil)
I can't name most of them except one of them is a jasmine also known as a raat ki rani which means queen of the night. it's called that because it blooms at night! it's most common name is in hindi because it's prominent is south asia and it's berries are poisonous!!!!

I'm not sure what plant this is
same with this one but it's pretty awesome

this is the example of phototropism! notice how since the blinds are semi up its growing up and to the side to get light energy. you can't see the second window too well but the start of where the blinds finish is just cut off.

Jasmine or "raat ki rani" i haven't seen this one bloom in a really long time but it usually blooms in the summer and it makes the whole room smell amazing!!!

this is what the flower looks like. I honestly was not aware of the words at the bottom but they made me lol just a little bit :)

Spring Break Soon!!!!

-U.P. 45-46 due tomorrow
-read textbook pages pg. 704-705 only
presentations tomorrow--make sure you get your project handed in by 8AM tomorrow!
wierd plant quiz-Thursday

Today we started class by getting our Plant of the Day--->String of Pearls- it looked like peas!

We also talked about how for the presentations you should be animated, project your voice, and engage the class!!! and you will get a good presentation grade.


*pollen transfers from anther to stigma
--self-pollination: pollen fertilizes ovule of same plant
--cross-pollination:pollen fertilizes ovules of another plant
*Increase genetic variation

1. Pollen lands on stigma
2.Pollen tube grows in the style
3.Sperm and egg form a zygote

Double Fertilization
*2 sperm enter the ovary
*1st sperm fertilizes the egg; results in a zygote (2N)
*2nd sperm fertilizes in the polar nuclei forms endosperm (3N)

Cross Pollination Methods
*Wind Pollination
-Inefficient, high pollen production
-Flower are smalls and not not colorful
*Vector Pollination
-more efficient
-Plants attract pollinators by...

*Two species evolve in response to changes in one another

Seed Disperal
-Maple trees, dandelions
*Barbs stick to animal fur
-Buraock plant
*Animals eat and excrete seeds

Next Scribe is.......Sabina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011


homework for the week:

  • UP41-44 and the lab quiz TOMORROW

  • read 704-705 ONLY!!!!!! with UP 45-46 WEDNESDAY

  • Wierd plants quiz-know why the plant is wierd THURSDAY

  • STUDY FOR THE PLANT EXAM ON FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

today in class we started as usual. we walked inside and joked about the plant of the day and then got class started. We started class by going over the transpiration lab that was due today. Then Mrs. S went over any questions that anyone had on flowers from our text book reading that was also due today. After all of that we handed in the transpirstion lab and our flower diagram got a beautiful stamp on our stamp sheets=). When all of the mumble jumble stuff finished we broke up into our lab groups and completed the flower lab where we disected a flower! They are pretty cool! The flower lab can be found on UP pages 41-44, that is due TOMORROW in class. Good luck to everyone on the lab quiz tomorrow even though Mrs. S showed us the quiz it didn't help much;)

Scribe for tomorrow is

duh duh duh duh WOSSY!!!!!!!=)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

hey guys!

hello everyone. we started off our day with mrs. stein collecting our homework and giving us a stamp. After that we did our weird plant of the day. The weird plant of the day was THE MADAGASCAR PLANT!!!! this plant was pretty crazy. It looked like a palm tree except it was quite spikey. I should know this better than anyone because I decided to grasp the entire plant and it cut me in like 4 different places. Ok so after we checked out the plant we started a little lab. The lab was kind of virtual. We never actually did anything but we had the information we needed. Ok so the lab was to see how much water was lost if we put a plant in 3 different environments and seeing how much water came out of the plants in each of the environments. The 3 environments were bright light, wind, and mist. There was also a normal contol group. The act of water coming out of the plant is called transcription. and there was the least amount of transcription when the plant was in the moist environment and the most amount in the wind environment! Ok my children!


Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Today's plant of the day was a moss ball. The moss ball is actually made of algae, so don't let its name confuse you

In class we...
-Reviewed the vascular system
-Took a quiz on photosynthesis
-Started our homework, which was to read pages 669-671 & 674-677 and to complete a double bouble map comparing stems and roots.

Don't forget that our national park presentations are due next week, so get cracking on those power points.

Here are some pictures of plants and photosynthesis because I don't know what else to scribe about.

The next scribe will be DAVID!!!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Data for Factors Influencing Photosynthesis

Another day at science

HW- u.p. pages 73-76
and continue the
plant project.

-today in class we reviewed the homework from a few days ago, which was pages 81-85.
-We reviewed all the things we previously knew about photosynthesis and the structure of a chloroplast
-In photosynthesis there is a light dependent and light independent cycle
the light dependent cycle takes in sunlight and water.
When the water is split to form ATP oxygen is released.
-Once enough ATP and NADPH are created they go on to the light independent cycle, or the calvin cycle. In this cycle the energy from the ATP and NADPH is released and combine with other things, like carbon dioxide, to form glucose.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

More Pigment Lab Pictures

Coleus Leaf
Spinach Leaf

PiGmEnT LaB!!

hey guys soo sorry!haven't really been home but this is what we did in class on thursday, since we were just in the imc on friday.

we started off with taking some notes and learning a
little bit about pigments and light and

Light and pigments
-light travels in waves
-different colors have different wavelengths
-white light is a mixture of all colors in the visible spectrum
-a red wavelength is the longest and least energy
-purple wavelength is the shortest and most energy
-plant pigments absorb sunlight
-chlorophyll is the green pigment neede
d for photosynthesis

-the reactants are CO2, H2O, light energy
-the products are O2, C6H12O6(glucose)
-TWO reactions:
-Light reaction
-Calvin Cycle(light independent reaction)
Chloroplast structure
-Thylakoid- sacs contain chlorophyll
-Granum- stacks of thylakoids
-light reaction
-Stroma- open space
-Calvin cycle

Next in class we did a lab on UP pages 69-72 about pigments in plants. We rubbed the pigments from two different leaves of plants(spinach and red leaf) onto a piece of filter paper and let it sit in a beaker with 70% isopropyl alcohol for about 15 minutes. After the 15 minutes we observed the paper and the d
ifferent colors that showed up on the paper represented the pigments in the leaves. Here is the key for the types of pigments:
Red anthocyanin
Faint Yellow carotenes
Bright Yellow xanthophyll
Yellow green chlorophyll b
Green chlorophyll a

The data my group collected was the spinach leaf had chlorophyll b, chlorophyll a, carotenes, xanthophyll in it, and the red leaf had all of those and also anthocyanin. Here are some pictures of the lab we did.

The homework for thursday night was read 8.2 and 8.3 and do either UP pages 81-85 or a reading strategy of your choice, and also finish the pigment lab and research for your national park(march 23). The homework for the weekend is to read 643 and 664-666. There is no reading strategy but we will need to know this because Ms. Stein will not be lecturing on this. I hope everyone had a great weekend!! :)

The next scribe will be.. Neal!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 it feels like a tuesday!

Spider Plant at my house :)

We started the class by turning in the plant lab which was due today. We then talked about the AMAZING plant of the day, which was the SPIDER PLANT! An interesting thing about the spider plant, is that it can self-propagate. This means that it can produce a baby plant of itself that roots in the soil. "Plantlets" are spider babies that the plant produces. It is a common houseplant that produces white flowers. After we finished talking about the plant of the day, Mrs. Stein demonstrated with the class Venus fly trap of how it closes to catch prey. She stuck a metal object inside an open trap and it closed up. It was pretty cooolll!!

Then we had a discussion about energy by answering a worksheet with our lab groups. Afterwards, talked about the questions as a class and Mrs. Stein elaborated on them.
Some of the questions were: (in up page 61)

Q:What is energy? Describe some characteristics of energy.
A: It is the ability to do work and it cannot be created or destroyed. It is TRANSFORMED!

Q: What is energy used for in living things?
A: to live and carry out functions

Q: What contains energy?
A: light, electric, sun, heat, chemicals

Note: When we consume food, we are consuming chemical energy which is stored in electrons of chemical bonds. In our body, our mitochondria is producing ATP.

Q: Why should you wear a white shirt on a hot day, not a dark shirt?
A: Dark colors absorb more heat or wave lengths of light and a white shirt reflects all wave lengths of light.

Q: What do you know about photosynthesis?
A: It is the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy. The energy is stored in bonds of carbohydrates and plants make glucose by using photosynthesis.

Q: Describe the structures of a leaf that allow it to carry out the function of photosynthesis.
A: The shape of the leaf, being flat, increases SURFACE AREA which allows maximum light absorption. The cuticle prevents water from evaporating and the palisade layer is compacted with many chloroplasts. It is towards the top which allows maximum light absorption.

We talked about now light travels in waves and how colors have different wave lengths. "White" light is a mixture of all colors in the visible spectrum and plant pigments absorb sunlight. Chlorophyll has green pigments which is needed for photosynthesis. It reflects mostly green and it absorbs most all other colors.

We also reviewed Mrs. Stein's blog because SAM did not look at her post from last night.

1. Read section 8.2 and 8.2 with UP pages 81-85 OR a reading strategy of your choice that fits reading-DUE FRIDAY!
2. Work on plant national park project
3. up pages 67-68


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Leaf Lab Images

Lilac Leaf Cross Section 400X
Wandering Jew Leaf 100X

First day of Plants!!!

Hello fellow class mates! Here is my blog post.
Ok so when we first walked in we got an excited welcome from mrs stein! She was very excited because we are now moving into the plant unit. We received a large yellow packet. So if you did not get one yesterday it is a good idea to pick one up asap. We started class off with the first plant of the day! This plant was... The baseball plant!! It is a round succulent plant. Very interesting stuff! All the plants we learn about will b on the test so keep the sheet!! Next we took plenty of fun notes on plants, and how they evolved. That was a good time.... But! We moved on to the most exciting part of the day. The lab. It is pages 5-7 that was also hw along with page 19. In this lab we went around and looked at different plants. It was our job to take our best guess at what type of plant it was. The choices were fruit, stem, root, leaf, or flower. It was a pretty difficult choice for some plants but overall a very interesting and fun lab! Well that was my blog! I hope u enjoy it and I'm glad I do not have stand in the corner holding paper with my nose. Peace!

Our next scribe will be... NEAL

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Yesterday in class we talked about invertebrates.

-First we turned in our unit packet pages (14,21-28) and our invertebrate profiles.

-After turning the assignments due we went over our green charts which discussed invertebrate animal phylums.

(Does not include unique characteristics)
-Drift or swim freely
-Have no symmetry
-Sexual and asexual
-Have many holes
-Do not have any systems present
-Yellow Sponge, Tube Sponge, Bath Sponge


-Stationary, free swimming, jet propulsion
-Radial symmetry
-sexual and asexual
-1 body opening
-Simple nervous tissue & simple digestive system
-Coral, Jellyfish, Sea Annemony, Hydra


-Free living using cilia & muscles
-Bilateral symmetry
-Hermaphroditic sexual reproduction, asexual by fission
-2 body openings
-Nervous, digestive, excretory systems
-Round worms, Ascaris, Vinegar Eel:


-Muscles work with hydrostatic skeleton
-Bilateral symmetry
-1 body opening
-Nervous, digestive, excretory systems
-Flatworm & Planaria


-Hydrostatic skeleton
-Radial symmetry
-Sexual & some hermaphroditic
-2 body openings
-Nervous, digestive, excretory, circulatory
-Leach & Earthworm


-Stationary, jet propulsion
-Bilateral symmetry
-Sexual & some hermaphroditic
-2 body openings
-Nervous, digestive, excretory, crculatory, respiratory
-Colossal Squid


-Jointed exoskeleton & walking
-Bilateral symmetry
-2 body openings
-Nervous, digestive, excretory, circulatory, respiratory
-Land Crab


-5 part radial symmetry
-Sexual & most have seperate species
-1 body opening
-Nervous, digestive, excretory, water vascular system (respiratory & circulatory)

After we went over the green chart wemoved on to the lab. In the lab we looked at a grasshopper, a spider, and a crayfish, all three very different invertebrates. The lab showed us the differences and similarities in the different species.

Hw: 24-25 in the unit packet

Next scribe is..DAVID!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Happy Tuesday

Today in class we turned in our Cornell notes on 18.3. We took notes on kingdoms (exciting stuff) and worked on the shark lab. MOST IMPORTANTLY, WE GOT TO HEAR ABOUT THE PERSON IN MS.STEIN’S 2ND PERIOD CLASS WHO MAKES FUN OF HER!!! OOOoooOOOoOoo
We learned that there are six different kinds of kingdoms and three different kinds of domains. The freaky animal of the day was… THE STAR-NOSED MOLE
Class: Mammalia
North American
Unique snout with a circle of 22 mobile, pink, and fleshy tentacles
Used to identify food by touch, such as worms, insects, and crustaceans
Status: Critically endangered
P.S. I think that it looks like the character mole in the cartoon version of the movie Atlantis, if anyone remembers that movie.
Shark Lab- UP 9-12
Read section 26.1
TV ad- 2/28

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

when we walked in the door we were to pick up the unit 8 packet, animal of the day and a calendar of the upcoming assignments 
next we took a reading check quiz on 18.1
after we learned about a new profile project which is due on the 22nd
then we took notes on the animal of the day which is a Hagfish in the Agantha class
next we took a few notes on...
Classifying and Animal Diversity 
- based on
evolutionary relationships
biochemical and DNA similarities 
- Taxa means a group
Naming Systems
- binomial nomenclature (genius and species name)
- developed by Carolus Linngeus
- examples: Homo sapin, Felis domesticus 
  *remember to underline when writing*

lastly we worked on an exercise involving categorizing aliens into groups based on what they look like.. more to come tomorrow
- read 18.3 cornelle notes (due tomorrow)
- profile (due 2/22)
- TV ad (due 2/28)
Olivia is our next scribe

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Blog Post Of Wenesday, Febuary 9, 2011 (:

Today in class we first teared out from our book lab 40 but we didn't end up doing that lab so we could have time to answer test questions! BTW I'm really happy that we didn't do that lab becuase we had to do something with REAl and GROSS huge grass hoppers. soo yeah...

We then turned in UP 44-47 and we got our 26.3 notes stamped!

THEN.....we took notes!! (fun!!)

Here are the notes....

What is a Primate?
*Binocular Vision
*Developed brain
*long fingers and toes
*Rotating shoulders

What Make us Human?
*Characteristics of the Hominine Family
-Opposable Thumbs
-Larger Brains

Hominine Evolution
*Ardipithecus ramedus, "Ard", 4.4 mya
*Australopithecus afarensis, "Lucky", 3.2 mya
*Homohabili, "handy man", -200,000 years ago
*Homo Sapien
-modern human- 100,000 years ago

After the notes we spent aome time going over the objectives part of our packet (first page of UP)
Some stuff we went over FOR THE TEST and some things you may have questons on.....

Homologous Structures- pretty much the same basic structure but with a different funcion but also made out of the "same stuff". example--- a whales arm and human arm

Genetic Drift- when a RANDOM group of individuals go off and start a new population (look at the diagram with the bottles and the blue and yellow marbles)

Gradualism- understanding that evolusion happened SLOWLY -bit by bit

Punctuated equilibrium- understanding that evolution happened fast and with a rapid change

aerobic- with oxygen
anaerobic-without oxygen

TV ad 2-28

AND....we had a bio day on Thursday!!!


Monday, February 7, 2011

Happy Monday! (;

Today In Class
- Handed in Flow Maps
- Went over UP p
es 33-36
- Watched a little clip of a Billy Nye video.
- Discussed Primitive Earth

- M&M Lab!!!
(fun and yummy!)

Ancient Earth
  • Earth is about 4.6 billion years old.
  • Atmosphere was composed of gases: CO2, N2, water vapor, CH4, H2 S. (There was no O2.)
  • Oxygen came from plants.
  • Organisms in the past were aerobic. (didn't use/need oxygen to survive)

First Organic
  • 1950's Miller and Urey reproduced conditions of ancient Earth.
  • Electric sparks stimulated lightning.
  • Amino acids began to form.

Miller and Urey's Experiment


1. Finish M&M Lab UP 31-32. (tomorrow)

2. Read 26.3 w/ check my understanding (WEDNESDAY)

4. Tv Ad dude 2/28

the next scribe is.......... Melissa! (;

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tuesday and Friday combo!!!

TUESDAY: It was tough toremember but we did a lab on the different kinds of structures: Homologous, vestigial, and analogous structures.

FRIDAY: Ok I know what happened on friday. We took a lot of notes on Genetic variation, Genetic drift, what defines a species, speciation, adaptive radiation, convergent evolution, coevolution, and relative and radioactive dating oooo la la.
The homework from friday was to read 19.1, finish UP 33-36
I dont know who needs to scribe so i will pick on monday, ooooooo a mystery oooooooohhhh

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's Snowmageddon! A Blizzaster!, The Snowpolalypse!

Hey everyone! Hope you are enjoying your day off! If you are reading this, post something about your snow day!  Maybe a picture of the snow?  So, just a friendly reminder that it would be WONDERFUL if you keep on track with the homework on moodle.. you will not be penalized if you don't, however, your weekend will be bogged down with homework if you don't!  Why am I asking you to do this?

1.  The test is STILL planned for next week (last I hear, still Weds.... but now that tomorrow is cancelled to, not sure if that will be)
2.  The test will STILL cover the same information
3.  You're gonna have to do it anyway!
4.  You'll have less to do over the weekend!

That is my CAR behind Max!!!

Be safe everyone!  See you soon!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Yayy Evolution!!!

-We went over the T.v add project (on page 2 of the packet)

-Began theories: Lamark/ Darwin

-Continued the video about the origin of species


-Double bubble map due 2moro: Lamark and Darwin
-use text book chapters 16.1, 16.2, 16.3

-Make it detailed!!

-Visit Mrs. Stein for a homework pass due next Tuesday

-T.v add due 2/29

Jean Baptiste de Lamark

-first to recognize that organisms change

-published his hypotheses in 1809
-theory was disproved!

3 key assumptions: -desire to change

-law of use and disuse

-inheritance of acquired characteristics

Charles Darwin
-credited for the theory of evolution

-HMS Beagle sailed in 1831- Galapagos islands

-published origin of species in 1858

Darwins Observations
-observed tortoises, iguanas, and finches

-the islands had different climates and vegetation

-the animals were similar...but had noticeable differences

NEXT SCRIBE IS Jose!!!!!!!!!!! :))))) <3