Thursday, April 7, 2011

Yes!!!! it's Thursday! (: 1 more day/ then weekend!!

In Class: So basically, all we did in class today was:
- get our Enzymes and Digestive Fluids Chart stamped
- went over the chart
- talked about different types of digestions and where they occur - also talked about different fluids and their functions
- continued to work on the Nutrient Lab

Check to make sure your answers are correct for the Enzyme Chart!
(answers will be given going from the "enzyme/fluid name" all the way to the "what results from its action" The words/answers are put in order according to the BLANK spots) (horizontally)

1. Salivary Glands. Starch.
2. Pepsin. Polypeptides
3. Liver. Fats. Smaller Lipids.
4. Pancreatic Amylase. Maltose
5. Stomach Protein. Smaller Polypeptides.
6. Lipase. Fatty acids/glycerol.
7. Duodenum. Glucose.
8. Sucrase. Sucrose.
9. Lactose. Glucose/galactose.
10. Peptidase. Protein.

We also did a little review for our quiz tomorrow. As Mrs. Stein said, "everything from this week is fair game." So be sure to look over all the readings that were assigned and your notes! in other words STUDY! Here are a few questions she asked us......

Q- What is the process of carbohydrate digestion? Where does it occur? What enzymes are involved? What do they get broken into?
A- Starches get digested in the mouth. Amylase br
eaks down starch then into maltose which is TWO sugars, and from that it turns into glucose, which is ONE sugar.

Q- What fluids are found in the stomach/their functions?
A- pepsin: breaks down proteins.
hydrochloric acid: kills bacteria/lowers ph so pepsin works.
Rennin: proteins that work on milk.

Q- What is lipid digestion? What do they get broken down into?
A- Break down into fatty acids/glycerol.
(breaking down is known as emulsification)

Look over diagrams!!!! Know parts and their functions.

Lastly, we worked on the nutrient lab.
Used 2 test tubes and mixed water with Bened
ict's solution in them and then put the tubes in boiling water. Both tubes were light blue before we put them into the water. After a few minutes we noticed a color change. One of the tubes went from being light blue to yellow then green then orange and then finally turned brick red!.

-Study for quiz!
- Nutrient lab due tomorrow during class

next scribe is, Serena! (:

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