Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Yesterday in class we talked about invertebrates.

-First we turned in our unit packet pages (14,21-28) and our invertebrate profiles.

-After turning the assignments due we went over our green charts which discussed invertebrate animal phylums.

(Does not include unique characteristics)
-Drift or swim freely
-Have no symmetry
-Sexual and asexual
-Have many holes
-Do not have any systems present
-Yellow Sponge, Tube Sponge, Bath Sponge


-Stationary, free swimming, jet propulsion
-Radial symmetry
-sexual and asexual
-1 body opening
-Simple nervous tissue & simple digestive system
-Coral, Jellyfish, Sea Annemony, Hydra


-Free living using cilia & muscles
-Bilateral symmetry
-Hermaphroditic sexual reproduction, asexual by fission
-2 body openings
-Nervous, digestive, excretory systems
-Round worms, Ascaris, Vinegar Eel:


-Muscles work with hydrostatic skeleton
-Bilateral symmetry
-1 body opening
-Nervous, digestive, excretory systems
-Flatworm & Planaria


-Hydrostatic skeleton
-Radial symmetry
-Sexual & some hermaphroditic
-2 body openings
-Nervous, digestive, excretory, circulatory
-Leach & Earthworm


-Stationary, jet propulsion
-Bilateral symmetry
-Sexual & some hermaphroditic
-2 body openings
-Nervous, digestive, excretory, crculatory, respiratory
-Colossal Squid


-Jointed exoskeleton & walking
-Bilateral symmetry
-2 body openings
-Nervous, digestive, excretory, circulatory, respiratory
-Land Crab


-5 part radial symmetry
-Sexual & most have seperate species
-1 body opening
-Nervous, digestive, excretory, water vascular system (respiratory & circulatory)

After we went over the green chart wemoved on to the lab. In the lab we looked at a grasshopper, a spider, and a crayfish, all three very different invertebrates. The lab showed us the differences and similarities in the different species.

Hw: 24-25 in the unit packet

Next scribe is..DAVID!

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