Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Blog Post Of Wenesday, Febuary 9, 2011 (:

Today in class we first teared out from our book lab 40 but we didn't end up doing that lab so we could have time to answer test questions! BTW I'm really happy that we didn't do that lab becuase we had to do something with REAl and GROSS huge grass hoppers. soo yeah...

We then turned in UP 44-47 and we got our 26.3 notes stamped!

THEN.....we took notes!! (fun!!)

Here are the notes....

What is a Primate?
*Binocular Vision
*Developed brain
*long fingers and toes
*Rotating shoulders

What Make us Human?
*Characteristics of the Hominine Family
-Opposable Thumbs
-Larger Brains

Hominine Evolution
*Ardipithecus ramedus, "Ard", 4.4 mya
*Australopithecus afarensis, "Lucky", 3.2 mya
*Homohabili, "handy man", -200,000 years ago
*Homo Sapien
-modern human- 100,000 years ago

After the notes we spent aome time going over the objectives part of our packet (first page of UP)
Some stuff we went over FOR THE TEST and some things you may have questons on.....

Homologous Structures- pretty much the same basic structure but with a different funcion but also made out of the "same stuff". example--- a whales arm and human arm

Genetic Drift- when a RANDOM group of individuals go off and start a new population (look at the diagram with the bottles and the blue and yellow marbles)

Gradualism- understanding that evolusion happened SLOWLY -bit by bit

Punctuated equilibrium- understanding that evolution happened fast and with a rapid change

aerobic- with oxygen
anaerobic-without oxygen

TV ad 2-28

AND....we had a bio day on Thursday!!!


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