Tuesday, March 8, 2011

First day of Plants!!!

Hello fellow class mates! Here is my blog post.
Ok so when we first walked in we got an excited welcome from mrs stein! She was very excited because we are now moving into the plant unit. We received a large yellow packet. So if you did not get one yesterday it is a good idea to pick one up asap. We started class off with the first plant of the day! This plant was... The baseball plant!! It is a round succulent plant. Very interesting stuff! All the plants we learn about will b on the test so keep the sheet!! Next we took plenty of fun notes on plants, and how they evolved. That was a good time.... But! We moved on to the most exciting part of the day. The lab. It is pages 5-7 that was also hw along with page 19. In this lab we went around and looked at different plants. It was our job to take our best guess at what type of plant it was. The choices were fruit, stem, root, leaf, or flower. It was a pretty difficult choice for some plants but overall a very interesting and fun lab! Well that was my blog! I hope u enjoy it and I'm glad I do not have stand in the corner holding paper with my nose. Peace!

Our next scribe will be... NEAL

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