Tuesday, April 12, 2011


GREAT STUFF YOU GUYS!! KIDNEYS!! :D Ok... we've started the class by getting two stamps for UP 19-20 and the Lab we did last week. Tomorrow we will be dissecting a sheep KIDNEY!! I can barely hold my excitement :] Next we answered these questions on the board: 1) What organs are the part of the excertory system? 2)How does the excretory system play a role in homeostasis? 3)What does the cartoon below illustrate? What does it do? (I couldn't find the exact picture but this was close enough.) Answers... 1) Liver, skin, kidneys, and lungs. 2) Balances the body to keep metabolic wastes out. 3)A nephron, it is the functional unit of the kidney (it filters the blood) Next we went over our lab and the results of the nutrition test.

Please make sure you get the correct results from a friend....

-For the bread, it should defiently be positive for starch but everything else could be either or... Bread is a fortified food.

-If you tested cheese for starch (which you didn't have to..) it would test positive (which shouldn't) but the powder on the cheese that prevents it from sticking to eat other is the only thing that has a starch compound in it..

-Why is there no fat in potatoe?? Potatoe is full of carbohydrates and if you don't consume the energy you get from it it is store and converted to fat...

We also took some notes.....

Excertion -The removal of metabolic wastes from the body. -CO2, salts, water, nitrogenus waste, uric acid and urea -Excertory organs - lungs remove CO2 - skin removes salt, water, and some urea - kindeys are the main excretory organ Excretory System -Renal arteries carry "dirty" blood from the aorta to the kidneys. (Unfilterd blood) -Renal veins carry "clean" blood from the kidneys to the inferior vena cava -Ureters carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder -Urethra carries urine out of the body. We were suppposed to watch some videos afterwards but youtube wasn't working... OUR HOMEWORK.... -Read over our kidney dissection UP 23-28. -Tomorrow is the last day to visit Mrs. Stein for a homework pass. -Test Friday STUDY!!!! :O Next scribe shall be..... Ariana !! :D

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