Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Break Soon!!!!

-U.P. 45-46 due tomorrow
-read textbook pages pg. 704-705 only
presentations tomorrow--make sure you get your project handed in by 8AM tomorrow!
wierd plant quiz-Thursday

Today we started class by getting our Plant of the Day--->String of Pearls- it looked like peas!

We also talked about how for the presentations you should be animated, project your voice, and engage the class!!! and you will get a good presentation grade.


*pollen transfers from anther to stigma
--self-pollination: pollen fertilizes ovule of same plant
--cross-pollination:pollen fertilizes ovules of another plant
*Increase genetic variation

1. Pollen lands on stigma
2.Pollen tube grows in the style
3.Sperm and egg form a zygote

Double Fertilization
*2 sperm enter the ovary
*1st sperm fertilizes the egg; results in a zygote (2N)
*2nd sperm fertilizes in the polar nuclei forms endosperm (3N)

Cross Pollination Methods
*Wind Pollination
-Inefficient, high pollen production
-Flower are smalls and not not colorful
*Vector Pollination
-more efficient
-Plants attract pollinators by...

*Two species evolve in response to changes in one another

Seed Disperal
-Maple trees, dandelions
*Barbs stick to animal fur
-Buraock plant
*Animals eat and excrete seeds

Next Scribe is.......Sabina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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