Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Halfway through the Week

Today, we started off class by turning in our kidney dissection worksheets and with Mrs. Stein selling some hope bands. (Which people should wear on Friday!) Then we continued by taking some notes, about the kidney and the nephron. This is the nephron picture that Mrs. Stein on the powerpoint:

The Nephron is the basic unit of the kidney. In it filtration and reabsorption happen. Filtration- water, urea, glucose, salts, amino acids, and vitamins filter into the nephron.Most proteins and blood cells remain in the capillary. Reabsorption- needed materials re-enter the bloodstream Collection- concentrated urine is collected and leaves kidneys via ureters.


  • The kidney removes metabolic wastes

  • Maintains homeostasis: - it keeps salt and water balance

3 steps: 1.) Filtering blood 2.) Reabsorbing nutrients 3.) Collection and excretion of urine

And then at the end of class we did pages 17 and 18 in the UP.

After that we did an experiment with urine to check what was in it. Jacob and Sam were the helpers and I also think Jacob ended up tasting one of the urine samples!!

Homework: Test is on FRIDAY!

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