Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Issues in Ecology

SUMMARY: Today in class we started the class by turning in our rip-o-meter lab write ups, and we handed in our section 3.3 "picture this" guided notes. We got to new hand outs as well. We recieved one sheet that is for our new oil spill preject and we recieved a sheet to tape into our notes with 3 different pyrimids on it. In class we also went over the worksheet in our UP on page 19 that we started working on in class on Tuesday.


We toke some more notes from a power point that Mrs Stein had for us. these notes were about 3 different pyramids that have to deal with consumers and producers. (These are the notes that the pyramid hand out gets tapped to). The 3 pyramids were about 1. Energy 2. biomass 3. numbers.
The energy pyramid showed that each level in the pyramid the energy gets less and less by 10%. The biomass pyramid showed that the producers have the biggest catagory and the the catagories get less and less as you continue to go up. and the numer pyramid shows the relative number of individual organisms at each level of the pyramid.


Today we also talked about a project about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. We picked partners for the project and we also decided in our partners what view point we wanted to take in the project whether it was an animal, tourist, or fisherman ect. Along with talking about the new project we also looked at page 21 in our UP and answered the first 2 questions.


our homework is to read section 4.3 and complete the double-bubble reading strategy in our packet. DO NOT MAKE A VEN DIAGRAM! we also have to get 10 oil spill pictures for our new project by tuesday. and if you have not joined the blog yet you have to join by FRIDAY.

tomorrows scribe is Zack

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