Sunday, September 26, 2010

7th Period Class; Ecology. 9/24

In Class:
The day started off normally. We first read the blog from last night and did the "star/wish". After that, we quickly went straight to finishing up our notes on global warming and the ozone layers, which were to be finished up on Thursday, but we got off topic. (: In other words, we are a lot more behind than Mrs. Stein's other STS Bio classes. 20 minutes before the class was over, Mrs. Stein took us to the math computer lab to: help out people who were having trouble uploading their oil spill video onto the blog, and also allowed us to start our homework. (scroll down to see a better description of what the homework was)

Notes: In class, we finished up our Ecology notes that were about Global Warming and Ozone Layers.

These are the rest of the notes of what we took in class on Thursday!

Greenhouse effect: natural situation where heat is trapped by CO2 methane and other gasses.

Mrs. Stein thinks of a Greenhouse effect as like a " blanket wrapped around the earth to keep it warm."

Effects of global warming:

  • Rising of sea level
  • Loss of biodiversity
  • Natural disasters

Ozone Depletion: A layer of O3 gas in the atmosphere.
^ filters harmful UV rays (sunscreen for the earth)^ 1970's scientists found that CFC (chloral floral carbon) caused a hole to form in the ozone layer.^ CFC's were used in aerosol cans and were banned in 1987^ Ozone holes are shrinking

* Alien Poster: is to be printed and handed in on MONDAY in class. (print in color. make it neat, creative, and colorful)

* Blog comments: This was the homework that we were given time to work on in the computer lab. This assignment involves going onto the blog, looking at four or five classmates oil spill videos, and write good, age appropriate comments about them. ( in other words do not just write, "cool video. loved the music". Mrs. Stein wants the comments to include facts about the video. She wants you to prove to her that you've watched the video carefully and paid close attention to what your classmates had to say about their point of view on the oil spill.)

Moodle forum: Log on to moodle. Scroll down on moodle to Unit 2- Ecology. Click on 7th period - Video Response. Answer the two discussion questions asked by Mrs. Stein about global warming. If you do not have enough information about global warming, watch the two videos that go along with this assignment. They are only a couple minutes long.

* Extra Credit: Extra Credit information about The Grove is up on the blog. Check the times and dates in order to go and help out!

last thing.....

Review and extra help is available MONDAY MORNING or MONDAY AFTER SCHOOL. Ask Mrs. Stein about more information. That's about it. oh and p.s. we didn't get off topic on friday, meaning we are not behind anymore! (:

the next scribe is Madison.

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