Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Scribe post thingy

Summary: On Monday (9/13) The class was taught by Mr. Paek. He didn't collect or check our homework from the last night but he did assign us new work. We first watched a video about animals that killed themselves, Lemmings. Than we did notes for the rest of class. (The notes are under the second summary)

Summary 2: On Tuesday (9/14) we went to the computer lab at the TLC. Ms. stein came back from whatever happened that made her miss a day and checked our homework due on that day and the night before. At the lab, we got with our partners, gathered our oil spill pictures due that day ans got started on the project. The project is to make a 2 minute narration/movie combo with movie maker addressing the issues of the oil spill for half of it and for the other half, explain the issues from a single type of person or animals point o' view.

Notes (9/13): Mr. Paek showed us slides of notes given to him by Ms. Stein about communites. mostly about comunity interactions. An example of this is Predation, where an organism kills and feeds off another. The other types of these interactions where all symbiosis interactions, meaning living together. They include, Mutualism, where both organisms benefit, commensalism, one benefits and other is unharmed, and parasitism, one benefits, one is harmed. We also had notes on niches, the physical and biological conditions an organism survives with. Lasty, we took notes exponential growth curves, a curve on a line graph showing a rapidly raising population growth, and factors affecting and density of populations.

Homework (9/13): Have 10 oil spill pics ready for tommorow and finish unit packet pages 35-41. Also, if you really want to you could read chapter 5.1 and 5.2 with the anticipation guide for 5.2 but thats not due until wednesday.

Homework (9/14): Read 5.1 and 5.2 and do anticipation guide, work on project, and study for the QUIZ THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the next scribe is Krystian.

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