Thursday, September 16, 2010

7th period, 9/15

Class: Today, 9/15, we took notes in class at the beginning from Mrs. Stein about population growth curves and limiting factors. Then we ripped out Lab 58 (pg. 355-361) from our gray science books that we keep in our cubbies and returned the book to where we got them from. After that she gave us time to start UP 43-45 and answer any questions we had becuase today was the day before the quiz.

Notes: Population growth curves: A "S" curve is also called a logistic graph. We learned that limiting factors are anything that cause a population to decrease. A Density dependent limiting factor affects larger and more dense populations (exp. food availability, disease, competition, etc.). Density independent factors affect population regardless of density or size (exp. Fire, hurricane, extreme temperature, etc.).

1. Quiz tomorrow!!!
2. Read/annotate Lab 58
3.Finish UP 43-45 (if not already done in class) both due tomorrow
4. Finish Blue worksheet and reading 5.1 and 5.2 (if not already done), due tomorrow
5. Oil spill project due 9/23

Our next scribe will be David.

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