Sunday, September 12, 2010

SUMMARY: On friday (9/10/10) in class we first we did our stars and wishes for Bridgets post from Thursday (9/9/10). Afterward, we went over the homework which was the double-bouble map where we compared secondary consumers with primary consumers. Before we went over the homework Mrs. Stein came around and stamped our sheets to make sure we actually did our homework. Aftewe went over the homework we recived a chart for our notes.

NOTES: The notes we took on friday were about biomes and how they are terrestrial communites. The chart we were givin describes the three stages, Pioneer stage, Intermidiate, and Climax community. we also talked a lot about Lichens and how Mrs. Stein described them as "Living succesion....". Then she showed us 2 really cool pictures she took of lichens in Maine.

HOMEWORK: Finish Biome Chart: UP 29-30 (pages 114-117 in textbook)
Gold Sheet (rate your words- vocab)
10 oil spill pictures for tuesday

The next scribe is J.R.


  1. Just one question: will you please explain more on what The biome chart is all about? because I'm having a little trouble with finding the information that goes in the chart

  2. Ignore my previous comment I just had to flip the page! XD
