Monday, September 27, 2010


IN CLASS: Today in class before we really even started we picked up our graded Lab 58, the worksheet we did while watching "Planet Earth," our rip-o-meter lab write up, the comparison chart we made for section 6.4, and our stamp sheet. Then we talked for a little bit about Yvette's post. After we went over what the homework for tonight is she answered any questions we had about the concepts on our unit packet(pages 1 and 2) or about the test in general. Then, we played a review game of jeopardy covering all of the topics we talked about in our ecology unit. We played girls versus boys and....the girls won!! Yeah girls!!

What should you do for studying..?
-Review objectives from UP pages 1&2
-Review notes
-Review what we read from the textbook
-Go to review sessions in room 374(day before test 3:00pm, day of test 7:00am)
-Go to and play the review games but..WARNING--some of the things on the review are not current so make sure this isn't the only way you study!!
-Practice questions
-Old quizzes
-Labs, reading strategies, worksheets..

1) Video comments and moodle forum-you are supposed to post a detailed comment at least for of our classmates videos and respond to the questions Mrs. Stein posted on moodle. You should read the comments before yours so you can respond to the question and also other peoples posts. This is all due Wednesday.
2) ECOLOGY TEST TOMORROW!!!!!!!! Make sure you study for the test using the tips above.^^ There will also be a review session before school tomorrow in room 374 at 7:00 am if you missed the one after school. If you can't get there at 7:00 it's okay you can still pop in if you have a quick question or want to review for a little bit.
3) Extra Credit! There are various dates to earn extra credit at many places. Mrs. Stein thinks the most fun one is at the Grove(: See the "Extra Credit" post for all of the dates/times/info.

Today was mostly a review day but a fun one also. Good luck on the test tomorrow!!!:)
The next scribe will be Michelle.

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