Thursday, September 30, 2010

It's Almost Friday!!!!

Above are some pictures of what we talked about in class and what we veiwed in our lab.

*First, we showed Mrs. Stein our homework from last night. Which was a pre-lab on page 8 of our packets, and our bubble maps for chapter 7.1 in our text books. Mrs. Stein also stamped our stamp sheets.
*Next, we looked over Michelles's blog from yesterday and did stars and wishes
*Then, we took notes on our new unit that we started yesterday: Types of cells

*Some people took a microscope test to see if they could get a slide in focus within one minute (not many people did well :P)

*Lastly, we began our lab- UP 9-14


Major Cellular Regions:

*Plamsa Membrane - outer boundary of a cell

*"Nucleus" - contains DNA

*Cytoplasm - gel-like substance between the cell membrane and nucleus

*Cyto- Cell

*Plasm- Liquid


*Read 7.2 with organelle chart- due on Monday

*UP 9-14- due Monday

*Extra Credit


For the lab, we got into our groups from before during the Rip-o-meter lab. Then, we took a slide, the first one was of an Eloda Leaf, and then put it under the microscope and looked at it under high power. After that, we recorded a picture of what we saw and gave the picture a title and wrote down the magnification that we veiwed it under. Next, we answered some questions about what we saw. For the slide after that we did the exact same thing except we put a drop of iodine on the Eloda Leaf. The slide we were to observe after that, was of a human cheek cell. However, most of us (including my group) did not get a chance to complete the whole lab.


Our next scribe is Jose!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wednesday, September 29

Beginning of Class:
  • Once we have settled down, everyone has gotten a Student Summary Detail Report (basically, your grade report). If you had any questions about this, you should have a talk with Ms. Stein in private.
  • After that we have talked about the cluster map here on the blog and that someone in the middle of the US has checked it out .. creepy.. To make it even weirder Mr. Sheller comes in the room with one eyebrow cocked and looks over us and then leaves.
  • After all this commotion we have all picked up our new Unit 3 Packet and the blue assignment sheet if you didn't get one earlier.

The New Unit!!
  • The new unit is about cells. And the theme is cancer. What is cancer? Cancer are mutated cells that can divide/multiply out of control. This process is commonly known as mitosis.
  • The class has brainstormed for a minute of what we knew about cells. After that we shared our thoughts with the class.
  • After we got the general idea, we went over a couple power point slides Mrs. Stein has put up on the smart board. It mainly discussed the levels of organization, the cell theory, and cell specialization. It was basically a review but you should get the notes from a friend just in case.
  • Do you remember we had to rate ourselves on our test on Tuesday of how we can perform with a microscope without looking over the guidelines in our packet? Well, after we took our notes we were put into assigned groups (so there is one person who knows extremely well how to handle a microscope and one person who can use some more help) and practice how to use the microscope.

Homework and Upcoming Quizzes:
  2. We have to read 7.1 and take double bubble notes. You were to compare Eukaryotes Vs. Prokaryotes.
  3. Moodle was down yesterday so you still have today to finish any discussion questions that you haven't done so already.
  4. Rememeber to do extra credit! Only one visit counts for points but volunteering more for fun won't hurt!
The next scribe is Ariana

Monday, September 27, 2010


IN CLASS: Today in class before we really even started we picked up our graded Lab 58, the worksheet we did while watching "Planet Earth," our rip-o-meter lab write up, the comparison chart we made for section 6.4, and our stamp sheet. Then we talked for a little bit about Yvette's post. After we went over what the homework for tonight is she answered any questions we had about the concepts on our unit packet(pages 1 and 2) or about the test in general. Then, we played a review game of jeopardy covering all of the topics we talked about in our ecology unit. We played girls versus boys and....the girls won!! Yeah girls!!

What should you do for studying..?
-Review objectives from UP pages 1&2
-Review notes
-Review what we read from the textbook
-Go to review sessions in room 374(day before test 3:00pm, day of test 7:00am)
-Go to and play the review games but..WARNING--some of the things on the review are not current so make sure this isn't the only way you study!!
-Practice questions
-Old quizzes
-Labs, reading strategies, worksheets..

1) Video comments and moodle forum-you are supposed to post a detailed comment at least for of our classmates videos and respond to the questions Mrs. Stein posted on moodle. You should read the comments before yours so you can respond to the question and also other peoples posts. This is all due Wednesday.
2) ECOLOGY TEST TOMORROW!!!!!!!! Make sure you study for the test using the tips above.^^ There will also be a review session before school tomorrow in room 374 at 7:00 am if you missed the one after school. If you can't get there at 7:00 it's okay you can still pop in if you have a quick question or want to review for a little bit.
3) Extra Credit! There are various dates to earn extra credit at many places. Mrs. Stein thinks the most fun one is at the Grove(: See the "Extra Credit" post for all of the dates/times/info.

Today was mostly a review day but a fun one also. Good luck on the test tomorrow!!!:)
The next scribe will be Michelle.

oil spill video!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

7th Period Class; Ecology. 9/24

In Class:
The day started off normally. We first read the blog from last night and did the "star/wish". After that, we quickly went straight to finishing up our notes on global warming and the ozone layers, which were to be finished up on Thursday, but we got off topic. (: In other words, we are a lot more behind than Mrs. Stein's other STS Bio classes. 20 minutes before the class was over, Mrs. Stein took us to the math computer lab to: help out people who were having trouble uploading their oil spill video onto the blog, and also allowed us to start our homework. (scroll down to see a better description of what the homework was)

Notes: In class, we finished up our Ecology notes that were about Global Warming and Ozone Layers.

These are the rest of the notes of what we took in class on Thursday!

Greenhouse effect: natural situation where heat is trapped by CO2 methane and other gasses.

Mrs. Stein thinks of a Greenhouse effect as like a " blanket wrapped around the earth to keep it warm."

Effects of global warming:

  • Rising of sea level
  • Loss of biodiversity
  • Natural disasters

Ozone Depletion: A layer of O3 gas in the atmosphere.
^ filters harmful UV rays (sunscreen for the earth)^ 1970's scientists found that CFC (chloral floral carbon) caused a hole to form in the ozone layer.^ CFC's were used in aerosol cans and were banned in 1987^ Ozone holes are shrinking

* Alien Poster: is to be printed and handed in on MONDAY in class. (print in color. make it neat, creative, and colorful)

* Blog comments: This was the homework that we were given time to work on in the computer lab. This assignment involves going onto the blog, looking at four or five classmates oil spill videos, and write good, age appropriate comments about them. ( in other words do not just write, "cool video. loved the music". Mrs. Stein wants the comments to include facts about the video. She wants you to prove to her that you've watched the video carefully and paid close attention to what your classmates had to say about their point of view on the oil spill.)

Moodle forum: Log on to moodle. Scroll down on moodle to Unit 2- Ecology. Click on 7th period - Video Response. Answer the two discussion questions asked by Mrs. Stein about global warming. If you do not have enough information about global warming, watch the two videos that go along with this assignment. They are only a couple minutes long.

* Extra Credit: Extra Credit information about The Grove is up on the blog. Check the times and dates in order to go and help out!

last thing.....

Review and extra help is available MONDAY MORNING or MONDAY AFTER SCHOOL. Ask Mrs. Stein about more information. That's about it. oh and p.s. we didn't get off topic on friday, meaning we are not behind anymore! (:

the next scribe is Madison.

BP Oil Disaster


Music: “Seasons of Love” by Rent

August, By. "Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (2010) - The New York Times." Times Topics. 22 Sept. 2010. Web. 23 Sept. 2010.

"BP, Oil and Seabirds — Baltic Sea Ducks Had Worse Luck Analysis & Opinion." Analysis & Opinion Reuters. 08 July 2010. Web. 23 Sept. 2010.

"EPA Response to BP Spill in the Gulf of Mexico US EPA." US Environmental Protection Agency. Web. 23 Sept. 2010.

"Gulf Oil Spill (PHOTOS): Animals In Peril." Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post. Web. 23 Sept. 2010.

Kennedy, By Jennifer. "Effects of Oil Spills on Marine Life - How Does An Oil Spill Affect Marine Life." Marine Life - Ocean Animals, Plants and Habitats. 22 Sept. 2010. Web. 23 Sept. 2010.
"Oil Spills." Oracle ThinkQuest Library. Web. 23 Sept. 2010.

"Photo Gallery: Ripple Effects of the BP Oil Spill - Portland News, Sports, Traffic Weather and Breaking News - Portland, Oregon KATU Photos." - Portland News, Sports, Traffic Weather and Breaking News - Portland, Oregon. Web. 23 Sept. 2010.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Oil Spill Movie


Serena and Angela OIl Spill Movie

60 Minutes Videos

Global Warming Video;lst;1

Wasteland Video;lst;3

Oil Spill Movie

"10 Ways the Oil Spill Could Affect Marine Life | Oceana North America." Home | Oceana North America. Web. 19 Sept. 2010. .

"Disaster in the Gulf: Related Stories, Videos & Links - San Diego, California News Station - KFMB Channel 8 -" San Diego, California News Station - KFMB Channel 8 - - Home. Web. 20 Sept. 2010. .

Plushnick-masti, By Ramit. "'Gulf Weed' Could Be Spill Casualty - U.S. News - Environment -" Breaking News, Weather, Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, Travel, Science, Technology, Local, US & World News- Web. 20 Sept. 2010. .

Adventure -- National Geographic. Web. 20 Sept. 2010. .

"“Only Dead Fish Go with the Flow” – Sarah Palin, 3 July 2009." Contrarian. Web. 20 Sept. 2010. .

Goldenberg, Suzanne. "Obama Administration Accused of Helping BP Hide the Oil | Suzanne Goldenberg | Environment |" Latest News, Comment and Reviews from the Guardian | Web. 18 Sept. 2010.
. "Gulf Oil Spill's Animal Victims." - Nation, World, Technology and Washington Area News and Headlines. Web. 18 Sept. 2010. .

"Gulf Oil Spill; Coastal Impact (click to See All 45 Photos) | Reporting with a Camera." Blogs. Web. 19 Sept. 2010. .

"Gulf Oil Spill | National Geographic Channel." National Geographic Channel - Animals, Science, Exploration Television Shows. Web. 20 Sept. 2010. .

Nygaard, Stig. "Animals Threatened by the Oil Spill." ForUsToBe. Web. 19 Sept. 2010. .

"World Helps Lebanon Clean up Devastating Oil Spill | Ya Libnan | Lebanon News Live from Beirut." Ya Libnan | World News Live from Lebanon. Web. 22 Sept. 2010. .

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Is Today Thursday?


I totally think this week went by REALLY quickly, and I was writing the title for Wednesday (whoops) but then I fixed it, and changed it to this. Creative, huh?

So in class today we first watched a movie about the populations of the earth, and how the number rose through the years (like, thousands of years.)
Today you had to turn in your narration/bibliography sheet and stamp sheet. (Also if you didn’t finish the table from the notes, you were able to turn it in today.) Then we did some notes

We talked about the human population and Biodiversity. All species on earth are involved in the food web. Also the threats of Biodiversity caused by humans are:
- Habitat destruction
- Hunting
- Pollution
- Invasive Species
- And Global Warming
- DDT is a non-biodegradable pesticide (Biodegradable means it can’t be broken down by natural metabolic processes)
-Organisms can’t eliminate DDT from their bodies.
Biological Magnification:
-Pollutant concentration increases higher in food chain.

We were not able to go further into our notes (Due to talking about penguins)
We also watched a video called 60 minutes. It talked about how old computers are shipped to Hong Kong and are being scrapped and recycled, and how the harmful chemicals that they are burning are the most poisonous compounds known to humans.

Skim 5.3 in book, make sure you can understand the main ideas and diagrams before the test on Tuesday. Read page 161 in book, and upload the oil spill movie to the blog BY FRIDAY BEFORE 8:00 AM!!!!!


Bee Tee Dubs:
I seriously think Mrs. Stein should consider having a class period where we ask random question about science. It would rejuvenate us into actually staying on topic in class. AND I told buffalo wild wings that they have a bison on there logo, not a buffalo. The waiter looked at me like I was stupid. hahahaa

Class this week

Monday- September 20

-On Monday, we worked in the IMC on either our oil spill projects or the alien poster.

Tuesday- September 21

All 7th period Sts Biology classes met in the auditorium and we watched a movie about a lot of animals on planet earth.


Wednesday- September 22

First, in class, we looked at the previous blog post. Then we got our quizzes back and reviewed them for the rest of the period. (Shortened periods because of the explore test)


-Oil spill narration DUE TOMORROW (SEPTEMBER 23)
-Alien poster due- Monday
-SKIM section 5.3 (make sure you understand the diagrams!!!!!)
-Test Tuesday!!!!!
-For extra credit- see Moodle.
-if you didn't do the homework from last night correctly (the 6.4 notes) then you have a chance to redo them and bring them on Thursday.

NOTE- Check out the calendar on Moodle for upcoming important dates!!

Next scribe is Serena!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fun Friday Class!




Set up of lab 58 above

Friday September 17th,2010

In class: We were given the grading rubric for the alien species project and we were able to ask any questions we had about the project. Mrs. Stein had the sheet out so students could sign up for the differnt species. Only two people per species are allowed, so sign up as soon as you can.

After everyone was done asking questions, we went outside to start on Lab 58. In this lab, we learned about the different density populations by counting the number of different plants in each square-meter. Density population is the number of species in a certain area. (plants/m2) The three weeds that we were looking for in our area were Dandelions, Plantains, and Clover. We placed popsicle sticks in the ground, one meter apart at the corners of the square. Then, we divided our area into smaller areas to count the number of different weeds in each section. Many people were confused on what each plant looked like so i included a picture of each above. In the lab, we made a drawing of what our area looked like and then we made a table of the number of plants in each of the sections. After fnishing the lab, we went inside and put the group's data together to make a class data table. To find the population density, we added the numbers and then divided by the area of the quadrants.

Mrs.Stein added a link on the blog about the different times and more imformation on the Grove extra credit.

The next scribe is Melissa


Oil Spill Project due-9/21
Finish Lab 58-due Monday

Cornell notes section 6.3-due Monday
Alien Poster-due 9/27
Extra Credit-due 9/25

Thursday, September 16, 2010

9/17:Quiz,Alien project, and Watching buffaloes get mad at lions

In Class:

We started today's class by turning in our homework which was UP 43-45. And then we got our Annalyzing Data: Population Trends, UP 39-42 back.We weren't able to go outside for Lab 58 because it was raining in the morning and so Mrs. Stein's morning classes weren't able to go then, and Mrs. Stein wants all the classes to be at the same place. But we WILL be going outside tomorrow and doing the Lab. Then we asked questions that we had about the quiz that we were about to take. After the questions were answered we took the quiz.

After we took the quiz Mrs. Stein explained to us about the Alien poster that we will be doing as an individual project. The project is to make a "most wanted" poster for a problem alien species. The project format and the lists of alien species that you can choose from is on UP pgs. 27 and 28. You can email Mrs. Stein or talk to her about what alien species you would like to choose. It is a first come first serve issue and there can only be 2 people assigned to an alien species so hurry and tell her! If you would like to a different alien species that is not listed on the UP pages then you can just let Mrs.Stein know that.

Then we talked about an oppurtunity to get some extra credit by going to the grove on 9/25. You go there and help cut buckthorns. You show Mrs. Stein that you were there by 2 different ways. One way you can show her is by taking a picture and photo shopping your face out of it and writing a little caption about your experience there. The other way is by taking a video WITHOUT your face in it but you talking in the video.

After we looked at the alien poster we saw a video called the Battle at Kruger. Which basically showed buffaloes, lions, and a crocodile fighting. The video is below.


Read 6.3 and do cornelle notes for the section due Monday( if you need to see an example it is on our blog)
Oil spill movie due 9/23
Alien poster due 9/27
Extra credit 9/25

The next scribe will be Tara.


Looking for Extra Credit?  Looking to help fight invasive species in Glenview?  Go to the Grove on Saturday 9/25/10 for the Grove Restoration Day.  Take atleast one photo of yourself (NOT YOUR FACE) working at the Grove and post it to the blog.  On your post, write a short paragraph about what you did there and why it was important.  OR take a video at the work site and SPEAK about what you are doing and why it is important. Post that video to the blog (DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR FACE).
Not available on 9/25/10???  more dates are below...

SATURDAY, September 18th & SUNDAY, September 19th:: Restoration Work Day at Air Station Prairie
Help Air Station Prairie's restoration team collect seeds or remove invasive plants to make way for native prairie grasses and forbs. Bring work gloves if you have them. Please meet at the Tyner Interpretive Center, 2400 Compass Rd.; 9:00-12:00.

Saturday, September 25th
Come out to The Grove from 9:00 to 12:00 and do your part by collecting native seeds or removing invasive brush. Please meet at the Interpretive Center.
OR join the North Branch Restoration Project at Harms Flatwoods from 9:00-12:00 for brush cutting, weed removal and general cleanup. See these websites for more information:

Saturday, October 9th: Restoration Work Day at The Grove
Grove Interpretive Center 9:00-12:00.

Saturday, October 23rd: Restoration Work Day at Air Station Prairie
Please meet at the Tyner Interpretive Center, 2400 Compass Rd.; 9:00-12:00.

Saturday, October 30th: Techny Basin River Cleanup Day
Help to beautify the West Fork of the North Branch of the Chicago River with trash pick-up, brush cutting and weed removal. Work gloves, tools and bags will be provided by the Village of Glenview's Natural Resource Commission. Please meet in the Kohl's parking lot off of Willow Rd.; 9:00-12:00. PLEASE NOTE: We are also looking for a site captain to oversee this work day! Contact Henrietta Saunders or Robyn Flakne for more information.

Sunday, October 31st: Restoration Work Day at Air Station Prairie
Please meet at the Tyner Interpretive Center, 2400 Compass Rd.; 9:00-12:00.

Saturday, November 13th: Restoration Work Day at The Grove
Grove Interpretive Center 9:00-12:00.

Saturday, November 20th: Restoration Work Day at Air Station Prairie
Please meet at the Tyner Interpretive Center, 2400 Compass Rd.; 9:00-12:00.

Sunday, November 21st: Restoration Day at Harms Flatwoods
Sponsored by the North Branch Restoration Project. Seasonal activities include brush cutting, weed removal and seed collection. Please meet at Forest Preserve parking lot on the west side of Harms Road, directly west of Old Orchard Road where it ends on Harms Road; 9:00-12:00.

7th period, 9/15

Class: Today, 9/15, we took notes in class at the beginning from Mrs. Stein about population growth curves and limiting factors. Then we ripped out Lab 58 (pg. 355-361) from our gray science books that we keep in our cubbies and returned the book to where we got them from. After that she gave us time to start UP 43-45 and answer any questions we had becuase today was the day before the quiz.

Notes: Population growth curves: A "S" curve is also called a logistic graph. We learned that limiting factors are anything that cause a population to decrease. A Density dependent limiting factor affects larger and more dense populations (exp. food availability, disease, competition, etc.). Density independent factors affect population regardless of density or size (exp. Fire, hurricane, extreme temperature, etc.).

1. Quiz tomorrow!!!
2. Read/annotate Lab 58
3.Finish UP 43-45 (if not already done in class) both due tomorrow
4. Finish Blue worksheet and reading 5.1 and 5.2 (if not already done), due tomorrow
5. Oil spill project due 9/23

Our next scribe will be David.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Scribe post thingy

Summary: On Monday (9/13) The class was taught by Mr. Paek. He didn't collect or check our homework from the last night but he did assign us new work. We first watched a video about animals that killed themselves, Lemmings. Than we did notes for the rest of class. (The notes are under the second summary)

Summary 2: On Tuesday (9/14) we went to the computer lab at the TLC. Ms. stein came back from whatever happened that made her miss a day and checked our homework due on that day and the night before. At the lab, we got with our partners, gathered our oil spill pictures due that day ans got started on the project. The project is to make a 2 minute narration/movie combo with movie maker addressing the issues of the oil spill for half of it and for the other half, explain the issues from a single type of person or animals point o' view.

Notes (9/13): Mr. Paek showed us slides of notes given to him by Ms. Stein about communites. mostly about comunity interactions. An example of this is Predation, where an organism kills and feeds off another. The other types of these interactions where all symbiosis interactions, meaning living together. They include, Mutualism, where both organisms benefit, commensalism, one benefits and other is unharmed, and parasitism, one benefits, one is harmed. We also had notes on niches, the physical and biological conditions an organism survives with. Lasty, we took notes exponential growth curves, a curve on a line graph showing a rapidly raising population growth, and factors affecting and density of populations.

Homework (9/13): Have 10 oil spill pics ready for tommorow and finish unit packet pages 35-41. Also, if you really want to you could read chapter 5.1 and 5.2 with the anticipation guide for 5.2 but thats not due until wednesday.

Homework (9/14): Read 5.1 and 5.2 and do anticipation guide, work on project, and study for the QUIZ THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the next scribe is Krystian.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

SUMMARY: On friday (9/10/10) in class we first we did our stars and wishes for Bridgets post from Thursday (9/9/10). Afterward, we went over the homework which was the double-bouble map where we compared secondary consumers with primary consumers. Before we went over the homework Mrs. Stein came around and stamped our sheets to make sure we actually did our homework. Aftewe went over the homework we recived a chart for our notes.

NOTES: The notes we took on friday were about biomes and how they are terrestrial communites. The chart we were givin describes the three stages, Pioneer stage, Intermidiate, and Climax community. we also talked a lot about Lichens and how Mrs. Stein described them as "Living succesion....". Then she showed us 2 really cool pictures she took of lichens in Maine.

HOMEWORK: Finish Biome Chart: UP 29-30 (pages 114-117 in textbook)
Gold Sheet (rate your words- vocab)
10 oil spill pictures for tuesday

The next scribe is J.R.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Issues in Ecology

SUMMARY: Today in class we started the class by turning in our rip-o-meter lab write ups, and we handed in our section 3.3 "picture this" guided notes. We got to new hand outs as well. We recieved one sheet that is for our new oil spill preject and we recieved a sheet to tape into our notes with 3 different pyrimids on it. In class we also went over the worksheet in our UP on page 19 that we started working on in class on Tuesday.


We toke some more notes from a power point that Mrs Stein had for us. these notes were about 3 different pyramids that have to deal with consumers and producers. (These are the notes that the pyramid hand out gets tapped to). The 3 pyramids were about 1. Energy 2. biomass 3. numbers.
The energy pyramid showed that each level in the pyramid the energy gets less and less by 10%. The biomass pyramid showed that the producers have the biggest catagory and the the catagories get less and less as you continue to go up. and the numer pyramid shows the relative number of individual organisms at each level of the pyramid.


Today we also talked about a project about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. We picked partners for the project and we also decided in our partners what view point we wanted to take in the project whether it was an animal, tourist, or fisherman ect. Along with talking about the new project we also looked at page 21 in our UP and answered the first 2 questions.


our homework is to read section 4.3 and complete the double-bubble reading strategy in our packet. DO NOT MAKE A VEN DIAGRAM! we also have to get 10 oil spill pictures for our new project by tuesday. and if you have not joined the blog yet you have to join by FRIDAY.

tomorrows scribe is Zack
Summary: Today we handed in our cornell notes (section 3.1) and received a stamp for page 14 in your unit packet. After we checked in homework we talked about how to correctly tag or label a scribe. The steps are below.

1. look for the pencil icon and click on it to edit.
2. a box where you can type named "labels" will appear
3. then type in you first name and last initial, if its a "scribe" or "on my mind" and the title of the unit we are in

We also received a chance for extra credit. If you go to the TLC and spend at least 20 minutes with a tutor and want extra credit fill out the little yellow sheet we got today and turn it into Mrs. S sometime this quarter.
What we did on Friday:
We reviewed what producer and consumers are.
-Producers are mostly green because they are plants and they do Photosynthesis. They have chlorophyl and consume sunlight and turn the energy into sugar.
-Consumers are mostly brown and black and are usually animals.

- Lab write-up due tomorrow. (If your printer isn't working email Mrs. Stein at
- Read section 3.3 with "picture this"

The next scribe is Bridget

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Outdoor Walk

SUMMARY: Yesterday in class we reviewed what to do for the rip-o-meter lab write up. We talked about the format it is supposed to be in and what we should say in it. IF YOUR PRINTER ISNT WORKING JUST EMAIL IT TO MRS.STEIN!!!!!! We looked at our reading strategies on how to take cornell notes. After that we started talking about ecology (the study of how living things interact with each other). We talked about ecosystems and producers and consumers. Then we went outside and classified plants and some animals as producers and consumers. We were asked to estimate the number of grass, trees, and cattails. I took pictures of it but i don't know how to get it on the computer!

HOMEWORK: Read 3.1 and 3.2 and take cornell notes, finish 13-14, rip-o-meter lab write up due 9/8

Tomorrow's Scribe is Taylor

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Microscope Lab

SUMMARY- In class of Wednesday, September 1st, We came into class and wrote down the homework. As usual we sat in our seats and Mrs. Stein prompted us on todays activities. Today we had to perform our microscope lab. In this lab we would look at specimens such as pond water, yeast, insects, or paramecium. We spent today trying to get comfortable with our microscopes. We learned the basics of the microscope. After we would observe the specimen we draw our best version of it in our Unit Packet. You can find these pages from pg. 33-37. Overall another fine day in period 7 biology class!

HOMEWORK-finish pages 33-37, and your rip-o-meter write up by september 9th!
Here are pictures of some of the organisms and things we were observing.

Paramecium                                                         Yeast

The next Scribe is Jacob