Thursday, December 2, 2010

YAYYY 2maro is FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dihybrid Crosses
Miosis One

How to foil

First, I want to say that I'm sooo sorry that i forgot 2 do the blog Wednesday night!! I completely forgot :(

WEDNESDAY: We started the class with a wonderful Mitosis Square dance video and we were allowed to get up and dance but...nobody did haha! Then Mrs. Stein gave us a stamp for the homework. We went over questions seven and eight because many people had questions. Mrs stein told us that we should not skip any steps on the pun it squares because you will be "toast" and she will "annihilate you!!" You must separate your gametes (alleles) in order to move on to the next step because it is a step in Mitosis. Mrs. Stein also posted a video on the blog if Tuesday's class was confusing, so she explained her video. She also mentioned that there is a link to a Mitosis video on Moodle if you need it. Bridget asked a WONDERFUL question on the Mitosis stages and the number of chromosomes in each stage. Then we took notes on Mitosis which was put on moodle if u need them. We also talked about the crossing over that occurs in Prophase II and its when the chromosomes exchange portions of their chromatids. In men, four sperm cell is made and in women, one egg is made. In addition, we learned Mendels Law of independent assortment which is when explains alleles separate form each other and it leads to the formation of many gametes. Mendal is the father of genetics and he was a monk that mated pea plants. We also did a Practice problem which was...."In aliens, three eyes is dominant to two eyes. A heterozygous three eyed alien mated with a two eyed alien and had eight alien babies. How man would you expect to have two eyes?" the answer was a probability of a 50% chance of 8 alien babies. Try figuring out how we got this on your own if you missed class and ask Mrs.Stein for help tomorrow if you don't understand it. After this practice problem, we did a lab that was on page 23 and most people finished this lab in class.


Finish the Lab and read 11.1 and 11.2


We started the class by turning in the lab pages. Then we took notes on probability. Probability is the likely hood that a particular event will occur and it is used to predict outcomes. If you flip a coin four times in a row, the probability that it will land on tails all times is one sixteenth. We also took notes on dihybrid crosses which is a two trait cross that uses two sets of alleles from both parents. It has the same steps EXCEPT determining the parental gametes is more complex. You have to foil (First, Outside, Inside, Last) the gametes and then put them on a punnet square to find the parental gametes. An example of a punit square is on the blog that shows how to find the parental gametes. I would also recommend that you watch all the videos that Mrs. Stein posted because today's class would be confusing if you missed it and the information is going to keep building as the days go on.

1.Read 11.3 and do Cornell notes
2.Do pages Up 33 to 35

Sorry again for not doing the blog!! I hope this helps people who were absent :)

ANDD the next scribe will be Serena!

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