Sunday, December 12, 2010

5 MoRe DaYs Of ScHoOl!!!

Thursdayyy was QUIZZ DAY!! First we handed in our UP pages 67-71 and then we took a quiz on the different genetic crosses. As soon as you finished your quiz you got to work on pages 7-8 in your UP. We used the GBS libguides to help us find information on one genetic disease of our choice. you are supposed to pick one that you have never heard of or that you are very interested in. For anyone that wasn't sure Mrs. Stein suggested Marfan's Syndrome i think, as a good one to look into. Thats all we did in class on thursday but friday was a bio day in the lyceum! The movie we watched was "Dogs and More Dogs." This movie demonstrated how dogs evolved from wolves a long time ago and also shows how people can breed dogs to get the genetic outcome they want, whether it be for showing reasons or racing reasons, or you just wanted your dog to look/act a certain way. To learn more about this movie you can go to because it is a very interesting video to watch.

Homework for the weekend!!
-read sections 14.3 and 15.2 in your textbook and answer the questions on pages 73, 74 and 79 in your UP
-finish UP 7-8(which we started in class) using the GBS libguides to help you find the information about your genetic disease

i hope everyone had a good weekend!!!

the next scribe will be.. not really sure on who has scribed and who hasn't because our list has been a little CrAzYyYyYyY!!

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