Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Lady Gaga Charts!

ok, so today was a very short class, only 40 minutes long, because we had the winter sports assembly. the class went by very quickly! first, mrs. stein stamped anyone's hw sheet if they didnt get it stamped yesterday. next, we looked at saadia's fabulous post! then, we went over the homework from last night about the different types of blood-types. after that, we took notes on autosomal recessive disorders, autosomal dominant disorders, chromosomal abnormalities and disfunction, and co-dominant disorders:
autosomal recessive disorders
  • tay-sachs: degenerative nerve disease, early death, mostly common in Jewish people
  • cystic fibrosis: causes mucus build-up in the lungs, causes digestive and liver problems, mostly common in Northern European people
  • phenylketuria (PKU): lack of enzyme needed to break down phenylanine, causes mental retardation. (phenylanine is found in sugar-free gum!!! :O                           
autosomal dominant disorders
  • Huntington's Disease: nervous system disease causes loss of muscle function
  • achodroplasia: a form of dwarfism
chromosomal abnormalities and disfunction
  • nondisjunction in meiosis results in gametes with abnormal chromosome number
  • most cases produce gametes that are not viable (that do not survive)
co-dominant disorders
  • sickle cell disease
  1. sickle cell anemia: abnormal shaped red blood cells don't carry oxygen effectively. 
  2. carriers of the trait are phenotypically different than those 2 normal but they don't have sickle cell anemia.
and then we worked on our homework with a partner that will be due tomorrow (at the VERY end of class)
ok, now i guess i should explain my title!
i found these pictures on google when i was doing a speech on lady gaga.... i thought they were pretty hilarious!
i looked up "lady gaga charts" onto google images becuase i wanted to know which of her songs his the billboard hit 100... but i didnt exactly find what i wanted!

they're not relevant to science... they just  make me laugh :)

-Unit packet pages 47-52
-quiz on Thursday
-and there was also one more thing... it wasnt required, it was just for practice, but i dont remember which page numbers they were... woopsies! oh well.   D:
happy sixth night of hannukah!!!

the next scribe will be...
Jacob (sorry!)

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