Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Today in class we first looked at Mrs. Stein's wonderful blog about the new year. We also saw some great pictures of her son Max. After that we shared our fascinating stories. That was very fun! We eventually received our tests back that we took right before the break. The scores were scattered across the board and ended up learning about how grading curves work. This was all very fun.... but the highlight of this class had to be the video we watched. It went into great detail about all different animals and how they perform sex.  Some of this was pretty graphic. The most unusual technique was probably the dragonfly's. This class was a whole lot of fun and I learned a lot! We will be learning a whole lot more about this subject tomorrow in our Bio Day! I'm Looking forward to it!  Here is a picture....

The Homework was...
Our next scribe will be.... Angela

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