Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Welcome Back!!!

After getting new seats, we started our new unit on Evolution! Everyone was REALLY excited! We started off by playing a game of written 'telephone' to illustrate how things can change over time.  In the process, we learned that we aren't the best artists! We then brainstormed a little bit about what we already knew about evolution... below is a summary of our brainstorm:
-Change over time
-"we evolved from monkeys"... NOT TRUE!!! we shared a common ancestor with monkeys!
- Darwin is credited for 'natural selection' and 'survival of the fittest'
- Evolution is a THEORY, not a LAW.. but it does have a lot of evidence

We then started a movie about Darwin's voyage.

A Timeline of Life
ARIANA will be our next scribe!
For Homework... nothing is due tomorrow, however, you need to do a DOUBLE BUBBLE MAP titled "Darwin v. Lamark" using the readings from 16.1, 16.2, and 16.3.  It is due Weds.  Be sure to do a good job of including specifics IN YOUR OWN WORDS! See moodle for help with the format.

Also, come visit Mrs. Stein for a HW pass before next Tuesday! 

Lets all get off to a good start! 

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