Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Halfway through the week!!!

Today in class we started out by talking about yesterday which was bio day. The movie that we watched talked about how a baby was born. It took us from how it was conceived to the moment where the baby was great detail.

We cotinued the day by reviewing the notes that we took yesterday about reproduction and developement in animals. How some species fertilize and develope externally and others internally.

Then we corrected our homework that was due today (UP 5-8). Which was about the reproductive structures of male and female. After that, we took notes on male reproductive structures and the male secondary sex characteristics. We started on the female reproductive structures but then decided to finish the rest tomorrow.

We went on to do the puberty myths worksheet. Which had some pretty interesting facts. Some of the true ones were: women can swim while they are menstruating, erections can happen in male babies, and warm baths may relieve menstrual cramps. There were many false ones and some of them were: Women are the only ones responsible for birth control, only older women can use tampons, and teens sledom get STDS.


Read 34.1 and 34.2-not all, check moodle for the pages that is suppose to be read
There is a reading check tomorrow so be prepared for whatever it is that she gives us.
There is also a 'quest' on Wednesday.
The next scribe will be....Saadia.

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