Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Yesterday in class we talked about invertebrates.

-First we turned in our unit packet pages (14,21-28) and our invertebrate profiles.

-After turning the assignments due we went over our green charts which discussed invertebrate animal phylums.

(Does not include unique characteristics)
-Drift or swim freely
-Have no symmetry
-Sexual and asexual
-Have many holes
-Do not have any systems present
-Yellow Sponge, Tube Sponge, Bath Sponge


-Stationary, free swimming, jet propulsion
-Radial symmetry
-sexual and asexual
-1 body opening
-Simple nervous tissue & simple digestive system
-Coral, Jellyfish, Sea Annemony, Hydra


-Free living using cilia & muscles
-Bilateral symmetry
-Hermaphroditic sexual reproduction, asexual by fission
-2 body openings
-Nervous, digestive, excretory systems
-Round worms, Ascaris, Vinegar Eel:


-Muscles work with hydrostatic skeleton
-Bilateral symmetry
-1 body opening
-Nervous, digestive, excretory systems
-Flatworm & Planaria


-Hydrostatic skeleton
-Radial symmetry
-Sexual & some hermaphroditic
-2 body openings
-Nervous, digestive, excretory, circulatory
-Leach & Earthworm


-Stationary, jet propulsion
-Bilateral symmetry
-Sexual & some hermaphroditic
-2 body openings
-Nervous, digestive, excretory, crculatory, respiratory
-Colossal Squid


-Jointed exoskeleton & walking
-Bilateral symmetry
-2 body openings
-Nervous, digestive, excretory, circulatory, respiratory
-Land Crab


-5 part radial symmetry
-Sexual & most have seperate species
-1 body opening
-Nervous, digestive, excretory, water vascular system (respiratory & circulatory)

After we went over the green chart wemoved on to the lab. In the lab we looked at a grasshopper, a spider, and a crayfish, all three very different invertebrates. The lab showed us the differences and similarities in the different species.

Hw: 24-25 in the unit packet

Next scribe is..DAVID!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Happy Tuesday

Today in class we turned in our Cornell notes on 18.3. We took notes on kingdoms (exciting stuff) and worked on the shark lab. MOST IMPORTANTLY, WE GOT TO HEAR ABOUT THE PERSON IN MS.STEIN’S 2ND PERIOD CLASS WHO MAKES FUN OF HER!!! OOOoooOOOoOoo
We learned that there are six different kinds of kingdoms and three different kinds of domains. The freaky animal of the day was… THE STAR-NOSED MOLE
Class: Mammalia
North American
Unique snout with a circle of 22 mobile, pink, and fleshy tentacles
Used to identify food by touch, such as worms, insects, and crustaceans
Status: Critically endangered
P.S. I think that it looks like the character mole in the cartoon version of the movie Atlantis, if anyone remembers that movie.
Shark Lab- UP 9-12
Read section 26.1
TV ad- 2/28

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

when we walked in the door we were to pick up the unit 8 packet, animal of the day and a calendar of the upcoming assignments 
next we took a reading check quiz on 18.1
after we learned about a new profile project which is due on the 22nd
then we took notes on the animal of the day which is a Hagfish in the Agantha class
next we took a few notes on...
Classifying and Animal Diversity 
- based on
evolutionary relationships
biochemical and DNA similarities 
- Taxa means a group
Naming Systems
- binomial nomenclature (genius and species name)
- developed by Carolus Linngeus
- examples: Homo sapin, Felis domesticus 
  *remember to underline when writing*

lastly we worked on an exercise involving categorizing aliens into groups based on what they look like.. more to come tomorrow
- read 18.3 cornelle notes (due tomorrow)
- profile (due 2/22)
- TV ad (due 2/28)
Olivia is our next scribe

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Blog Post Of Wenesday, Febuary 9, 2011 (:

Today in class we first teared out from our book lab 40 but we didn't end up doing that lab so we could have time to answer test questions! BTW I'm really happy that we didn't do that lab becuase we had to do something with REAl and GROSS huge grass hoppers. soo yeah...

We then turned in UP 44-47 and we got our 26.3 notes stamped!

THEN.....we took notes!! (fun!!)

Here are the notes....

What is a Primate?
*Binocular Vision
*Developed brain
*long fingers and toes
*Rotating shoulders

What Make us Human?
*Characteristics of the Hominine Family
-Opposable Thumbs
-Larger Brains

Hominine Evolution
*Ardipithecus ramedus, "Ard", 4.4 mya
*Australopithecus afarensis, "Lucky", 3.2 mya
*Homohabili, "handy man", -200,000 years ago
*Homo Sapien
-modern human- 100,000 years ago

After the notes we spent aome time going over the objectives part of our packet (first page of UP)
Some stuff we went over FOR THE TEST and some things you may have questons on.....

Homologous Structures- pretty much the same basic structure but with a different funcion but also made out of the "same stuff". example--- a whales arm and human arm

Genetic Drift- when a RANDOM group of individuals go off and start a new population (look at the diagram with the bottles and the blue and yellow marbles)

Gradualism- understanding that evolusion happened SLOWLY -bit by bit

Punctuated equilibrium- understanding that evolution happened fast and with a rapid change

aerobic- with oxygen
anaerobic-without oxygen

TV ad 2-28

AND....we had a bio day on Thursday!!!


Monday, February 7, 2011

Happy Monday! (;

Today In Class
- Handed in Flow Maps
- Went over UP p
es 33-36
- Watched a little clip of a Billy Nye video.
- Discussed Primitive Earth

- M&M Lab!!!
(fun and yummy!)

Ancient Earth
  • Earth is about 4.6 billion years old.
  • Atmosphere was composed of gases: CO2, N2, water vapor, CH4, H2 S. (There was no O2.)
  • Oxygen came from plants.
  • Organisms in the past were aerobic. (didn't use/need oxygen to survive)

First Organic
  • 1950's Miller and Urey reproduced conditions of ancient Earth.
  • Electric sparks stimulated lightning.
  • Amino acids began to form.

Miller and Urey's Experiment


1. Finish M&M Lab UP 31-32. (tomorrow)

2. Read 26.3 w/ check my understanding (WEDNESDAY)

4. Tv Ad dude 2/28

the next scribe is.......... Melissa! (;

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tuesday and Friday combo!!!

TUESDAY: It was tough toremember but we did a lab on the different kinds of structures: Homologous, vestigial, and analogous structures.

FRIDAY: Ok I know what happened on friday. We took a lot of notes on Genetic variation, Genetic drift, what defines a species, speciation, adaptive radiation, convergent evolution, coevolution, and relative and radioactive dating oooo la la.
The homework from friday was to read 19.1, finish UP 33-36
I dont know who needs to scribe so i will pick on monday, ooooooo a mystery oooooooohhhh

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's Snowmageddon! A Blizzaster!, The Snowpolalypse!

Hey everyone! Hope you are enjoying your day off! If you are reading this, post something about your snow day!  Maybe a picture of the snow?  So, just a friendly reminder that it would be WONDERFUL if you keep on track with the homework on moodle.. you will not be penalized if you don't, however, your weekend will be bogged down with homework if you don't!  Why am I asking you to do this?

1.  The test is STILL planned for next week (last I hear, still Weds.... but now that tomorrow is cancelled to, not sure if that will be)
2.  The test will STILL cover the same information
3.  You're gonna have to do it anyway!
4.  You'll have less to do over the weekend!

That is my CAR behind Max!!!

Be safe everyone!  See you soon!