Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

In Class: We finished our Rip-O-Meter lab. Along with finishing the lab we completed pages 27-29 in the Unit Packet. Mrs. S will not be coollecting those pages but it is to your benefit that you complete them also the graph on page 28 can and should be a rough draft. What Mrs. S will be collecting is the lab write up the format and the rubric is on pages 31 and 32. THE WRTIE UP DUE DATE HAS CHANGED!!! it was previously due on 9/10 but it is now due on 9/8. The date has changed due to Rosh Hashanah being on 9/09. We also recieved the pre-lab questions and the sixtypes of questions and answers that we turned in the day before be sure to pick those up from Mrs. Stein if you were absent or haven't done so already. If you didn't already start the microscope lab the last pages starting from 33 have to do with the microscope lab so make sure you take a look at them. THERE WILL BE A QUIZ ON THURSDAY!!! The information that will be on the quiz is located on page 1.

Homework: Unit Packet pages 33-37 due Thursday
Quiz Thursday
9/8 Rip-o-Meter write up
Read the last few pages in the UP starting from page 33
Stop by for a Homework Pass 9/4 (Mrs. Stein isn't in the science office after school most of the time so make sure you let her know that you're stopping by)

The next scribe is David

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