Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday, 8/30/2010

Today, we had to turn in our "6 Types of Questions" homework from last week. We went over Olivia's blog, and went over her "Stars and Wishes." Then, we got into our assigned lab groups for our leaf labs. Before we started experimenting our hypotheses, we completed our pre-labs in our unit packet, and we turned them in (pgs. 25-26). Then, if we had enough time, we got started experimenting.
LAB: Our assignment for this lab last week was for one person in each group to bring in leaves. The point of the lab is to test which of two different types of leaves is stronger. We test this by piercing a paperclip into each leaf that is attached to a paper cup. We keep on filling the pennies into the paper cup until the leaf breaks. The leaf that isn't ripped is the stronger one. The more leaves you test, the more accurate your data will be.
HOMEWORK: -Read appendix B pages A14-A15
-Virtual microscope
-Quiz on Thurs. about "Nature of Science Objectives" on pg. 1 in UP
-Rip-O-Meter writeups --> Rough Draft UP pages 31-32, Due Sept. 10 (Next Fri.)

The next scribe will be Saadia.

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