Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wednesday, 11/3/10

To start off the day we got our homework stampsheets stamped for doing pages 22-25 (RX for survival Rise of the superbugs) in the unit packet and for also doing our "immune system" tree maps.
After we had our homework checked in we moved onto the disease of the day.
D.O.D #7: Pneumonia
- Bacteria, virus, fungi
- Endemic
- Transmitted through casual contact; saliva, mucus
- Inflammation of the lung often resulting in air sacs filling with liquid
- Treated with antibiotics and antimicrobials for bacteria and fungi
- Prevented with vaccine and living in low population density
- Often connected with the Influenza infection
- 1 to 3 million deaths
Following the disease of the day we went over our immune system tree maps and Mrs. Stein showed us the correct way to have done the tree map *which can be seen in the attachment.*

The final thing we did in class was watch part of a Mythbusters episode. In the episode we saw how easy it is to spread your snot to other people through casual contact. Adam from the show throws a "party" and tries to get as much of his snot on his peers without them knowing. Adam, who had a common cold did common things such as shake his guests hands, pat them on the back, or cough without covering his mouth. From watching this episode we learned how easy it is to spread germs through casual contact, things we do every day. In the end of the episode one of the guests at the party went under a specific type of light which revealed Adam's snot. She had her hands and some of her arms covered in it without even knowing! Although it was a gross and cruel experiment it did teach us a lesson.
HOMEWORK: Up 28-31 (Fri.)
Postcard (11/8)
Don't Forget: *Bio day tom. (auditorium) ***Test (11/9)

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