Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Today when we came into room 360 we turned in our guided reading notes of our choice from section 12.2! and we picked up some graded work from the front counter along with two pictures that would be used in our notes. Then Mrs S gave us each a new progress report!!!!!!!!!! After completing that portion of the class then we got asigned a brand new project for this unit!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! this project is called the Tribune Articale and directions to complete it are on pg 3 of our new UP packet. (This project has to be all electronicaly done. NO GLUEING OR TAPPING ONTO THE PAGE!)

Just a side note if Mrs. S asks if you are excited about something say yes because Niel got candy when he did it.

After all of that we split up into groups of about 4 people and we wrote a paragraph with the words:

Phosphate group, double helix, structure, DNA, Nitrogen base, protein, code, and nucletide

after finishing our paragraphs and reading them to the class we toke some guided notes about the structure of DNA (View picture above)

And then after that long long hard day of learning in Bio room 360 we watched a movie about the structure of DNA voiced by no other then BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY!

tonights homework is:

Read UP 11-14

UP pgs 7-8

Tribune article 11/23

tonights scribe is budumbudumbudmbudmbudum crash!!!!!

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